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MUZEOLÓGIA  MUSEOLOGY  a kultúrne dedičstvo  and Cultural Heritage


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Muzeológia a kultúrne

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Contents 1/2019
Title: ECOMUSEUMS IN SPAIN: AN ANALYSIS OF THEIR CHARACTERISTICS AND TYPOLOGIES Abstract: Spain has adopted the tenets of New Museology and ecomuseums. Some of its professional museologists were founding members of the International Movement for a New Museology (MINOM), and created ecomuseum experiences including Maestrazgo and Allariz. The evolution of the ecomuseum in Spain has not, however, been studied in depth. Consequently, it remains mostly unknown what is the present situation of ecomuseums in Spain, when they were originally founded and what their key characteristics are. This article presents a study of over 100 ecomuseums that have been created in Spain, since the 1980s to the present time. Author: Navajas Corral Óscar Publication order reference: University of Alcalá, Spain, e-mail: oscar.navajas@uah.es Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 7-26. Key words: Ecomuseums, Spain, New Museology, institutional ecomuseum, community ecomuseum, community development Language: English online full-text PDF Title: MOTÍVY A METÓDY VÝSKUMU MÚZEJNÉHO PUBLIKA S DÔRAZOM NA PODMIENKY SLOVENSKÉHO MÚZEJNÍCTVA (Motifs and methods of museum audience research with focus on Slovak museums) Abstract: Visitor research and correct interpretation of the findings are a prerequisite for sculpting museum production to meet the needs of museum audiences. At present, this approach is absent in Slovak museums, so museums do not know the answer to the question of who their visitors are. The article deals with the issue of visitor research in the conditions of Slovak museums. Attention is focused on defining the possibilities and motifs of obtaining data that convey the wishes, needs and evaluation of the audience. Subsequently, the author focuses on describing individual methods of obtaining relevant information. Authors: Eliašová Silvia Publication order reference: Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Faculty of Arts, Department of Museology, Hodžova 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia, e-mail: seliasova2@ukf.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 27-39. Key words: visitor studies, Slovak museums and visitors, themes of visits, methods of obtaining information Language: Slovak online full-text PDF Title: EVALUATING THE RECEPTION OF AN EXHIBITION: DETERMINATION AT THE DOX CENTRE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of an exhibition on visitors’ thinking process. Applying Greiman’s model, we used the exhibition DeTermination by the artist Daniel Pešta at the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague and explored the exhibition as a story. The model is used as a tool to better understand the thinking process of the visitor stimulated by the exhibition. Qualitative research approach was used. In order to capture a message of the exhibition, interviews with exhibition creators were conducted and afterward interviews with exhibition visitors. This article summarizes the creative methodology created by the authors, followed by a discourse analysis. The study asks questions like: what is the place of mediation in contemporary art? What is the impact of an exhibition on visitors´ thinking process?  Authors: Ballarini Marie, Mougenot Chloé, Prokůpek Marek Publication order reference: Université Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, LabEx ICCA, France, e-mail: marie.ballarini@gmail.com, e- mail: mougenotchloe@gmail.com, University of Economics in Prague, LabEx ICCA, Czech Republic, e-mail: prokupekmarek@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 41-55. Key words: museum,  narratology,  mediation, artist, contemporary art Language: English online full-text PDF Title: PLATFORMA KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA V SÚČASNEJ KYBERKULTÚRE (Platform the cultural heritage in the current cyberculture) Abstract: Virtual reality, cyberspace, 2D – 3D, anaglyf, avatar, digitisation of cultural heritage are concepts which represent only a handful of technological elements, which came into public´s awareness in the last 10 years. Cyberculture has had an impact on both the field of humanities  and world cultural heritage, particularly in the form of virtual tours. The author of the study analyzes cyberculture´s most important achievements in the field of education, presentation and protection of cultural heritage. This is supplemented by data directly from museums, with a whole range of applied elements. Cyberculture might also help with interpreting history, or in the protection of cultural heritage. The study also points out the limits of museum cyberculture based on technical and presentational activities from the period of 2012 – 2017.  Authors: Župčán Ladislav Publication order reference: The University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Arts, Department historical sciences and central european studies, Námestie J. Herdu 2, 917 01  Trnava, Slovakia, e-mail: ladislav.zupcan@ucm.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 57-73. Key words: museum, monuments, cultural heritage, cyberculture, virtual reality, 2D - 3D Language: Slovak online full-text PDF Title: MUSEUM COLLECTION RE-DEFINED: A CASE STUDY OF TOGO RURAL ART MUSEUM, TAIWAN Abstract: The value of collections to museums is not merely in using them for display, research and promotion, but also in establishing communication with public, as well as in the construction of meaning through collection and interpretation of collections.  Conventionally, museums consist of buildings, collections, experts, and public while others argue that museum should be better defined by territory, heritage, memory, and population. Museum should not limit itself inside the physical “building” of a museum but it should further expand to cover the whole territory. The scope of collections is also extended to reach both tangible and intangible “heritage” within this territory, including natural landscapes, geological features, historical sites, trade activities, etc. The meaning of such heritage exists in the local residents’ lives and memories and is shaped in a bottom-up approach via collective participation by these residents. Museum collections are subject to constant re-interpretation by ever-changing groups of museum visitors and professionals, as well as by residents and staff members. The contexts in which collections are presented and viewed can fluctuate with time and place. This paper will take the TOGO Rural Art Museum in Taiwan as a case study to explore how museum collections can be re-defined and how museum collections are to make connections with people.  Authors: LAI Ying Ying Publication order reference: National Taiwan University of Arts, Graduate School of Arts Management and Cultural Policy, 59, Sec. 1, Daguan Rd., Banqiao Dist., 22058 New Taipei City, Taiwan, e-mail: yyl@ntua.edu.tw  Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 75-82. Key words: museum collection, museum management, regional museum, TOGO Rural Art Museum Language: English online full-text PDF Title: DĚJINY NÁRODNÍHO MUZEA NA POMEZÍ HISTORIOGRAFICKÝCH ŽÁNRŮ (History of Museums as a Specific Historiographical Field) Abstract: This study looks at the history of museums as a specific historiographical field. It first gives an overview of the various types of publication outputs one can find in this field. These include collection guides, magazine and proceedings studies, and monographs. Studies and proceedings in particular are shown to be practical solutions to the very complex mapping of museum history. Monographs can be of various types – publications about museum buildings are often highly visually impressive, while another type of monographs looks at museum collections, and yet another can be considered the pinnacle of museum historiography, as such monographs provide a comprehensive understanding of museums as organisational and administrative units. Papers already published are an important source for a study of museums, while in contrast there are relatively few texts based on primary archived sources. A detailed investigation of previous publications demonstrates that museum history is focused on and researched always upon the occasion of major jubilees of these institutions, and that this is practically solely the domain of museum employees.  Authors: Woitschová Klára Publication order reference: National Museum Archive in Prague, Na Zátorách 6, 170 00 Praha 7, Czech Republic, e-mail: WoitschovaKlara@seznam.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 83-98. Key words: National Museum, History of Scientific Institutions, History of Memory Institutions Language: Czech online full-text PDF Title: MUSEUM AFFAIRS AT THE TERRITORY OF SUBCARPATHIAN RUS’ IN THE YEARS OF THE FIRST CZECHOSLOVAK REPUBLIC (1919 – 1938) Abstract: The article deals with the formation and specifics of the development of museums in Subcarpathian Rus’ in 1919-1938. It defines the main centers of museum science, as well as the contribution of scientists, representatives of cultural and public societies, and the state to the collection and exhibition of natural monuments and monuments of material and spiritual culture of the region. In the article, a great attention is paid to the coverage of the history of the creation, development and functioning of the Museum of T. Legotsky in Mukachevo, the Museum of the Society `Prosvita`, the Rus’ National Museum, and others. The author reaches the conclusion that the development of museum affairs in the territory of Subcarpathian Rus’ in 1920s – 1930s was stimulated by the attention of the society and the support of the central and local authorities. Museum affairs were moved to the state level.  Authors: Shnitser Ihor Publication order reference: Uzhhorod National University, Faculty of History and International Relations, Narodna Square 3, 88000 Uzhhorod, Ukraine, e-mail: ihor.shnitser@uzhnu.edu.ua Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 99-110. Key words: Subcarpathian Rus’, museum affairs, museum society, museums, monuments, protective activity  Language: English online full-text PDF Title: HISTORICKÁ ZÁHRADA NA MÝTNEJ ULICI V BRATISLAVE (The Historic Garden in Mýtna Street in Bratislava) Abstract: The study addresses the creation and early development of the ornamental garden in Mýtna St. in Bratislava. The site  was originally a smaller garden on the outskirts of the Blumentál suburb at the time, located in the vicinity of a road running to Rača. The first stage of the garden documented in a drawing shows the main axis intersecting the centre of the courtyard and a simple symmetric composition of three fields of vegetation lined by tree alleys. Based on an analysis and comparison of written sources and plans, we assume the founding of the garden in the second half of the 1770s. A re-evaluation of the name Esterházy Garden is based on reliable information in historical sources designating the archbishop’s administrator Štefan Ormosdy as the owner. Based on the entry in the book of property transfers, Ormosdy acquired the parcels located near the Archbishop’s Summer Palace in 1774 when the town’s St. Ladislaus Hospital sold its vineyards, meadows, fields and mills at auction. Authors: Maretta Robert G., Vrtel Andrej Publication order reference: Archive of the Slovak National Museum in Bratislava, Žižkova 18, 810 06 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail: robert.maretta@snm.sk, Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail: andrej.vrtel@uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 111-121. Key words: historical garden, Štefan Ormosdy, Blumentál suburb, Prešporok/Bratislava, 18th century Language: Slovak online full-text PDF Title: THE STUDY OF THE PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN IN THE PROTECTED CONTEXT OF MEYMAND HISTORIC VILLAGE Abstract: In the present study, we have tried to introduce and study the architecture of Meymand historic rocky village in Iran, its relationship with the surrounding nature, and its design constraints. The research is fundamental, descriptive, and analytical. Data collection methods include the use of books and published articles, field visits to Meymand village, and interviews with the villagers. Since Meymand village has been registered on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list, this paper seeks to study the rules and regulations set for this cultural heritage, the methods and constraints of construction in the region, as well as its core zone and triple zones, and the three different lifestyles of the dwellers. According to the previous studies, the application of the regulations prescribed by the Cultural Heritage Organization in Meymand has led to the creation of a preservative precinct in the village so that anything that would cause destruction or damage to the core zone (including damages to the visual features) is prohibited. The construction of new buildings and pathways in the core zone is prohibited, and permissible interventions are limited to restoration, revitalization, repair, change of use, change of interior spaces, and the removal of newly-established and non-native buildings (to maintain the native look of the village). Everything must be done in such a way that it does not undermine the natural environment of the zone. It is imperative to preserve the historic monuments and cultural landscape within the core zone. The construction of new buildings is forbidden in zones 1 and 2, but infrastructure, welfare, and tourism services can be established, aiming to preserve the cultural, historical, and natural values of the region. Saraghol area in zone 3 is the only area where the construction of new buildings is allowed. In any case, any new construction should be in harmony with the surrounding environment. Therefore, the design should be indigenous and limited to the surface of the earth, and the height must not disturb the skyline of the area. Besides, to preserve the cultural landscape, the indigenous construction methods have priority over the modern ones. Authors: Okhovat Hanie, Nejati Dolagh Mastaneh, Reza Nasrolahi Mohammad Publication order reference: University of Tehran, Iran, e-mail: h.okhovat@ut.ac.ir, University of Tehran, Iran, e-mail: mastaneh.nejati@ut.ac.ir, Islamic Azad University of Tehran North Branch, Iran, e-mail: mohammadreza.nasrolahi@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 123-142. Key words: Historic Village of Meymand, Protected Texture, Rocky Architecture, Iran Language: English online full-text PDF Title: MODERN GENIZOT: “SACRED TRASH” RECONSIDERED Abstract: For many years, the Jewish Museum in Prague has been documenting and researching a large collection of genizah finds from Bohemia and Moravia. This collection contains once-used Jewish ritual objects of various age (16th–19th century), especially texts that no longer served their purpose but were placed in a storage area, usually in a synagogue attic – out of respect for the Hebrew letters and for other religious reasons. In addition to assessing the current state of research and the processing of genizah finds, as well as their museumization, this article focuses primarily on a theoretical description of the genizah as a liminal space. Authors: Uličná Lenka Publication order reference: Jewish Museum in Prague, U Staré školy 141/1, 110 00 Praha, Czech Republic, e-mail: lenka.ulicna@jewishmuseum.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 143-154. Key words:  Jewish museums, rural synagogues, genizah, museumization of genizah finds Language: English online full-text PDF Title: ADOLF JEBAVÝ – UZENÁŘSKÝ MISTR A MECENÁŠ KULTURNÍHO ŽIVOTA. K HISTORII A PRAMENŮM JEDNOHO Z NEJVÝZNAMNĚJŠÍCH BRNĚNSKÝCH VÝROBCŮ (Adolf Jebavý – A Master Butcher and Local Cultural Benefactor. On the history and archive sources concerning one of the most significant Brno producers in the 20th Century) Abstract: This paper focuses on the history and production of the Adolf Jebavý factory – one of the famous family meat industry companies in Brno in the first half of the 20th Century. From the time of the first owner, Adolf Jebavý (1872-1938), and later his equally significant son, also named Adolf (1903-after 1948?), the company has grown into an important and famous Brno meat products producer and exporter. This company produced mostly canned meat, various kinds of sausages, patés and other foods, with a brand mark “Delica”. These products were also very popular in foreign countries (as well as with the Czech minority overseas). The company had several shops in Brno at the Křenová street, on the Náměstí Svobody square, in Královo Pole, but also in other cities, for example in Luhačovice. This paper is based on extensive company archive funds from the Brno Moravian Land Archives, where we can find information about company production, sales management, export and other important facts about this producer, such as private correspondence, war damages evidence and also evidence on the occasion of the political and administrative changes in the government in 1948. The topic was also put into larger context, as this study also briefly focuses on the history of butchers as well as on the history of companies and production in the first half of the 20th Century in Czech lands.   Authors: Gilbertová Marie Publication order reference: Technical Muzeum in Brno, Purkyňova 105, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic, email: gilbertova@tmbrno.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 155-166. Key words:  industry, factories, industry history, production, butchery, meat industry, crafts Language: Czech online full-text PDF Title: SPECIFICKÉ PROBLÉMY OCHRANY PRŮMYSLOVÉHO DĚDICTVÍ. OTÁZKY AUTENTICITY PRŮMYSLOVÉ ARCHITEKTURY NA DVOU PŘÍKLADECH (Specific issues of industrial heritage protection : Questions on industrial architecture authenticity – two examples) Abstract: Industrial heritage, as a specific segment of the heritage fund, is evaluated from the perspective of unique criteria - the traditional categories need to be re-interpreted in relation to industrial heritage. Two model examples, Frýdek-Místek and Krnov, deal with the questions of authenticity, limits of heritage protection (in terms of its enforcement and fulfilment), and finally the reasons for misunderstanding the values and potential of the industrial heritage. Foreign examples from Germany (Crimmitschau and Euskirchen) and Poland (Lodz) represent positive solutions that combine positive monument values with new uses of the monuments.  Authors: Ryšková Michaela Publication order reference: National Heritage Institute Regional Office Ostrava, Odboje 1, 702 00 Ostrava & Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Poříčí 5, 639 00 Brno, Czech Republic, e-mail: ryskova.michaela@npu.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 167-176. Key words: industrial heritage, industrial architecture, textile factory, factory building, authenticity, value assessment, protection Language: Czech online full-text PDF Title: ĽUDOVÁ UMELECKÁ VÝROBA AKO SÚČASŤ  KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA (Folk art production as a part of cultural heritage) Abstract: Folk art production is a valuable part of cultural heritage and a significant form of expression of the creative arts of previous and present generations. The article is a reflection on the development of folk production in Slovakia from the end of the 19th century, when folk production was organized by cooperations and associations. The activities of these institutions gradually created favourable conditions to capture and ensure the development of folk art production. In 1945, it was possible to make the first attempt to underpin the development of folk art production in its entire scale. Authors: Jaďuďová Libuša Publication order reference: Museum of Folk Art Production, Dlhá 8/C, 900 31 Stupava, Slovakia, e-mail: libusa.jadudova@uluv.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 177-191. Key words: society, producers´ cooperative, craft, folk, production, cultural heritage, Slovakia Language: Slovak online full-text PDF Title: MIKULÁŠSKÉ OBCHŮZKY NA HORNOLIDEČSKU JAKO SOUČÁST KULTURNÍHO DĚDICTVÍ REGIONU (St. Nicholas door-to-door processions in Hornolidečsko region as a part of the region´s cultural heritage) Abstract: In the Czech Republic, St Nicholas door-to-door processions are among the most important traditions, being often considered the highlight of Advent. It also applies to the region of Hornolidečsko where the first masked figures appear after the All Souls´ Day and roam around villages until the St. Nicholas Day. Devils, who appear in Roman-Catholic villages, are an integral part of cultural heritage not only in the corresponding villages, but also in the entire region. This study describes not only the present-day form of the St Nicholas door-to-door processions and disguises used at it, but attention is also paid to the most significant changes that influenced the form of flying, and shifted the procession´s form to the present-day one. A part of the study deals with historical development of these traditions and figures, that appear in the processions, their role and symbolism within the procession.  The goal of this study is to introduce the theme of the St. Nicholas procession and its attributes, using the analysis of particular factors which influence its form even beyond the borders of the Czech Republic. In the course of the research, special attention was paid to several aspects that form this phenomenon, such as organization of the procession and identity of both active and passive participants. The study shows a research sample of this tradition´s bearers as well as motivating elements, thanks to which the tradition is still alive and passed down from generation to generation. In addition to these facts, the work looks into the form of support from the villages, but also into diverse opinions of inhabitants in the researched region regarding the inscription of the St Nicholas door-to-door procession on the List of Intangible Elements of Traditional Folk Culture of the Czech Republic. A part of the study answers the question to what extent is the tradition as a cultural heritage indelibly integrated in the region of southern Moravian Wallachia in its authentic and almost unchanged form. The contribution is an outcome of the GIS project in quantitative and qualitative analyses and interpretations of traditional folk culture, which is solved within the programme of Specific Research by the Institute of European Ethnology of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. Authors: Navrátilová Lucie Publication order reference: Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Arts, Department of European Ethnology, Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic, e-mail: navratislova@vmp.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 193-206. Key words: St. Nicholas, devil, door-to-door procession, tradition, Wallachia, Advent Language: Czech online full-text PDF In  Practice Title: VITAJTE: FAMILY FRIENDLY. GAMIFIKÁCIA V MÚZEJNEJ PRAXI (Welcome; Family friendly. Gamification in museum) Abstract: The purpose of this article is to show ways how to promote a regional museum as an attractive choice for families with children for their leisure time activities. The aim is to promote the mascot of the museum as an attractive and interactive guide. The article presents the principles of gamification for museum´s promotional activities, the combination of offline and online communication with audience, especially parents with children. The first part of the article is about target audience and their specifications. For the purpose of the project, we chose the audience of parents with children. Then we applied the chosen techniques, such as gamification, storytelling, and interaction, to create an abstract museum guide - the mascot of the museum, specifically Novohrad museum and gallery in Lučenec. This mascot then communicates with the youngest audience of the museum through offline/online channels. Authors: Lajzová Diana, Škodová Michaela Publication order reference: The Novohrad Museum and Gallery, Kubínyiho nám. 3, 984 01 Lučenec, Slovakia, e-mail: dia.lajzova@gmail.com, e-mail: skodova@nmg.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 207-223. Key words: communication tools, gamification, mascot, children visitor, interactive elements, ambient media, The Novohrad Museum and Gallery in Lučenec Language: Slovak online full-text PDF Title: DOKUMENTACE SOUČASNOSTI V OBLASTI TECHNICKÉHO DĚDICTVÍ – VLIVU SPOLUPRÁCE MUZEJNÍ INSTITUCE SE SOUČASNÝM VÝROBNÍM SEKTOREM NA STRATEGII JEJÍ ODBORNÉ ČINNOSTI (Contemporary documentation in the field of technical heritage - the impact of the cooperation between a museum and the contemporary sector of production on the strategy of the museum‘s professional activities) Abstract: Museums in general, and technical museums in particular, concentrate not only on the historical phenomena but also on the so-called contemporary documentation. In the case of technical museums, the focus is mainly on recording the production and transformation of the so-called manufacturing sector, i.e. industrial companies and firms, in the broad context of socio-economic and cultural phenomena. The research activities of curators of museum collections and researchers are also among the discussed topics in connection with the latest technologies, applied research, etc., including their influence on the company‘s transformations. The institutions offer their knowledge to the wider public through specific museum work. The paper summarizes and evaluates examples of relevant activities of the Technical Museum in Brno in recent years and explains the impact of these activities on the conceptual basis of the institution for the near future. Authors: Nekuža Petr, Stöhrová Pavla Publication order reference: Technical Museum in Brno, Purkyňova 105, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic, e-mail: nekuza@tmbrno.cz, e-mail: stohrova@tmbrno.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 225-233. Key words: museum documentation, contemporary documentation, technology, production, industrial companies, research activities of curators, conceptual basis Language: Czech online full-text PDF Title: ETHNOGRAPHIC COLLECTIONS OF MUSEUMS IN UZBEKISTAN: SAMPLES OF COPPER- EMBOSSING ART Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of ethnographic collections of museums in Uzbekistan. Ethnographic collections of museums in Uzbekistan were studied on the basis of samples of copper-embossing art. The article deals with ethnography, ethnographic collections, factors of formation of ethnographic collections of museums in Uzbekistan. The process of development of the Uzbek copper-embossing art was analyzed on the example of copper samples from museums in Uzbekistan. Authors: Orifjonova Gulra’no Ravshan qizi Publication order reference: Conservation, restoration and preservation of historical and cultural objects, Kara-kamish, 2/1, 3-42, Olmazor district, 10098 Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, e-mail: gulirano.orifjonova@mail.ru Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 235-240. Key words: ethnography, ethnographic collections, museum, object, museum collection, metal carving, wood carving, painting, ornament, copper products Language: English online full-text PDF Title: MOŽNOSTI SPOLUPRÁCE FOLKLÓRNYCH SKUPÍN S LOKÁLNYMI MÚZEAMI V DVOCH ROVINÁCH: MÚZEUM PRE SKUPINU, SKUPINA PRE MÚZEUM (Possibilities of cooperation between folk groups and local museums on two levels: museums for folklore, folklore for museums) Abstract: The main goal of this report is to highlight the necessity of cooperation between various folk groups (and folk ensembles) and local museums in the context of traditional folk costume research. Sewing new outfits often breaks away from the local specifics as the folk groups do not know how to perform research and with whom they can collaborate. This summary presents actual possibilities for cooperation and puts emphasis on two levels– how a museum can help the folk groups and vice versa. An integral part of this report covers the rights and responsibilities of deposit administrators as well as research possibilities open to the researchers – professionals and layman alike, who are interested in traditional folk clothing. Authors: Marcinová Júlia Publication order reference: Museum and Cultural centre of south Zemplin, M. R. Štefánika 257/65, 075 01 Trebišov, Slovakia, e- mail: julia.knapcova@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2019, vol.:7, number: 1,  pages: 241-249. Key words: museum, folk costume, clothing, deposit, cooperation, research Language: Slovak online full-text PDF Books  received  and  reviews  Monika Mikulášková: Europejskie Centrum Solidarności: Stálá expozice (p. 250) online full-text PDF Ingrid Halászová: FERDINAND II. : arcivévoda Ferdinand II. Habsburský : renesanční vladař a mecenáš : mezi Prahou a Innsbruckem. Blanka Kubíková – Jaroslava Hausenblasová – Sylvia Dobalová (eds.). (p. 252)  online full-text PDF
Articles (Abstracts)

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ISSN 1339-2204 eISSN 2453-9759 Vol. 7 (2019), No. Is. 1