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MUZEOLÓGIA  MUSEOLOGY  a kultúrne dedičstvo  and Cultural Heritage


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Muzeológia a kultúrne

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Contents 4/2022
Title: Museum transition toward market-oriented identity: between social issues and public policy Abstract: The museum as a cultural institution was created as a part of the nation-state, according to nationalism ideology, and for the transmission of the historical heritage of a particular society and culture. It resulted in organisational assumptions as rules of practices and style of operations or management. The transformation of public management in cultural institutions, such as museums, is part of the model of the “big” transformation based on the neoliberal turnaround in thinking and acting in the late twentieth century. The paper constitutes an analysis of the mechanisms of contemporary public policies of cultural institutions. It examines the role of the museum at the market-oriented levels of analysis as production, exchange and consumption. This study is based on desk research analysis and argues that a new identity of the museum has appeared that is still shifting towards a new direction created by the SARS-COVID- 19 pandemic. Authors: Geisler, Robert; Nieroba, Elżbieta Publication order reference: University of Opole, Institute of Political Science and Administration, Poland, e-mail: rgeisler@uni.opole.pl, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0218-980X; University of Opole, The Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Poland, e-mail: enieroba@uni.opole.pl, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002- 7622-8701 Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2022, vol.: 10, number: 4,  pages: 5-25. Key words: museum, management, museum identity, public policy Language: English online full-text PDF DOI: 10.46284/mkd.2022.10.4.1 Title: Migration Museums: A Proposed Typology Abstract: The aim of this article is to propose the perception of migration museums as a coherent group. Migration museums are perceived by some professionals as specialised, thematic historical or ethnographic museums, whereas this paper organises the diversity of historical and contemporary migratory movements in connection with the current dynamic development of museums. Among the migration museums, the following types were grouped and distinguished: migration museums which comprehensively address the subject of various migrations, migration museums in the historical migration infrastructure, open-air migration museums, migration museums dedicated to specific events, migration museums established by immigrant communities and virtual migration museums. The importance of addressing the topic of migration in other types of museums, such as maritime, ethnographic, historical and art museums, is also highlighted. Covering the global network of migration museums allows us to search for answers to the question of the role of museums at a time when refugees and climate migrations will be among the greatest challenges for humanity. Author: Petelska, Michalina Publication order reference: University of Gdańsk, Faculty of History, ul. Wita Stwosza 55, 80-308 Gdańsk, Poland, e-mail: michalina.petelska@ug.edu.pl, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7436-3280 Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2022, vol.: 10, number: 4,  pages: 27-45. Keywords: migration, typology of museums, migration infrastructure, migration museums Language: English online full-text PDF DOI: 10.46284/mkd.2022.10.4.2 Title: Clothing displayed in museums: from conservation to innovative design representations Abstract: The presentation in museum exhibitions of samples of historical clothing, fashionable costumes from different periods and conceptual costumes of our time has acquired particular relevance. The development of exhibition design has attracted the attention of gallery owners, curators and representatives of the scientific community. The general cultural significance of the practices of preserving the heritage of material and artistic cultures and their representations synthesises traditional and innovative approaches to reconstruction, conservation and perception of costume, while remaining poorly studied. The strategies of contemporary curatorial practices form alternative approaches to fashion exhibitions and their organisation. In the information society, fashion exhibitions have become self-sufficient art projects that require careful scientific consideration. Authors:  Lahoda, Oksana; Alferova, Zoya; Hurdina, Vladyslava Publication order reference: Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts, Department of Fabric and Clothing Design, Ukraine e-mail: oxanalahoda@gmail.com, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1808-7119; Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts, Department of Fabric and Clothing Design, Ukraine, e-mail: al055@ukr.net, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4698-9785; Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts, Department of Fabric and Clothing Design, Ukraine, e-mail: vlada.gurdina@gmail.com, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9040-3676 Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2022, vol.: 10, number: 4,  pages: 47-62. Keywords: costume, design of expositions, museum space, representation Language: English online full-text PDF DOI: 10.46284/mkd.2022.10.4.3 Title: Adaptation of places of worship to secular functions with the use of narrative method as a tool to preserve religious heritage Abstract: Sacral objects are an important part of Europe’s religious heritage. For centuries, temples have constituted a key element in the urban morphology; they fit into the urban fabric of European cities and are permanently embedded there. Due to the current laicization of Europe, the adaptation of sacred buildings into secular functions has become a necessity for economic reasons. Their owners, architects, conservators and historians are faced with a dilemma: whether to preserve an object or transform it into another function? Places of worship cannot be considered in solely economic terms due to the identity of the place, its current function and its symbolism. Sacred spaces, apart from their function, structure and form, also have meaning. In holy sites, the symbol becomes a narrative tool. The purpose of a narrative in the cultural context is related to the site, the narrator, the recipient and the time of the narrative. Narrative research into semantic architecture, as one of the means of researching sacred architecture, has potential both in analysis and as a tool to facilitate design processes for the appropriate transformation of sacred buildings to serve secular functions. Authors: Wierzbicka, Anna Maria; Arno, Maria Publication order reference: Warsaw University of Technology, Department of Fundamentals of Architectural and Urban Design, 00- 659 Warsaw, Poland, e-mail: anna.wierzbicka@pw.edu.pl, Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4548-6844; Warsaw University of Technology, Department of Fundamentals of Architectural and Urban Design, 00-659 Warsaw, Poland, e-mail: maria.arno.dokt@pw.edu.pl, Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6794-2578 Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2022, vol.: 10, number: 4,  pages: 63-77. Keywords:  adaptation; sacral buildings; semantic architecture; narrative research Language: English online full-text PDF DOI: 10.46284/mkd.2021.10.4.5 Title: Particularities of wooden carved iconostases in selected post-Byzantine churches of Albania Abstract: This paper presents the data and study results of the post-Byzantine wood carved iconostases of different churches in Albania, which notwithstanding the circumstances of the communistic period have preserved to a considerable extent their typical characteristics. The paper aims to examine the stylistic and morphological aspects of the iconostasis in selected churches in relation to the architecture and tries to identify the relationships, sequences and reasons for such phenomena. The presence of iconostases in the Eastern Orthodox Church is based on the carried rituals and services that are expressed through ecclesiastical sculptures and other works. In these contexts, the iconostasis is the most dominating screen, related to the rood screen of English mediaeval churches, but contrary to them it is a closed and solid structure. In the iconostasis, architecture and wood carving workers collaborate on a large scale in order to create a solid and well-integrated frame. The analysis includes St Mary’s Monastery, also known as the Monastery of Dormition of Theotokos Mary, a medieval Byzantine church on Zvërnec island in the Narta Lagoon, southwest of the city of Vlora, southwestern Albania (SMZ); the Church of Apostles in Hoshtevë, Gjirokastra, with its spectacular interior completely covered with frescoes that became a cultural monument of Albania in 1948 (SA); and the Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos, simply known as Koimissi or St Mary, in the village of Labovë e Kryqit, Gjirokastër County, southern Albania (SM). Author: Shumka, Laura Publication order reference: Albanian University, Tirana, Department of Art & Design, Albania, e-mail: shumkalaura@gmail.com, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1341-4627 Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2022, vol.: 10, number: 4,  pages: 79-88. Keywords: cultural heritage, post-Byzantine, churches, Albanian, iconostasis Language: English online full-text PDF DOI: 10.46284/mkd.2022.10.4.6 Title: Spatial aspects of the interpretation of cultural heritage Abstract: Creating an exhibition is a multidisciplinary task which, besides the work of the authors of the scenario, copywriters and experts in the given topic, involves also the work of architects and landscape architects. Although the paper reflects on various completed exhibitions, the scenario and form of an exhibition cannot be separated. The paper focuses on spatial aspects of outdoor exhibitions from the perspective of an architect and landscape architect and documents them via various completed exhibitions. In terms of architecture they can be classified upon the aspects of form and content, wherein form covers the spatial, i.e. architectural, design of the exhibition and means, and content covers the quantity, complexity, style and chronology of the information communicated. The motivation for the paper is the need to identify the factors influencing the educational quality of exhibitions that the professionals designing the space and form of exhibitions may use in their practice. This covers predominantly those factors that relate to the designing of spaces where exhibitions take place based on the given scenarios, to which the viewers react rather subconsciously. The method used for the research is a spatial and content analysis of three exhibitions presenting cultural and natural heritage, specifically Hardangervidda National Park in Norway, Kongernes Jelling visitor centre in Denmark, and the National Museum of Rural Life at Wester Kittochside – Scottish National Museum in Great Britain. Factors considered include: the connection to the site – landscape context; authenticity; spatial scenario; and so-called warm-up and cool-down spaces that create atmosphere. A scenario, as in a film, connects the environment and content in a defined chronology. By this research we want to follow up on the trend in museums and exhibitions to present information through powerful narrative storytelling. Authors: Sedlacek, Jozef; Matějka, Daniel; Fialová, Zuzana; Klepárník, Radim Publication order reference: Mendel University in Brno, Department of Landscape Planning, Valtická 337, 69144 Lednice, Czechia e-mail: jozef.sedlacek@mendelu.cz, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7470-0593; Mendel University in Brno, Department of Landscape Planning, Valtická 337, 69144 Lednice, Czechia, e-mail: daniel.matejka@seznam.cz, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002- 6737-3229; Mendel University in Brno, Department of Landscape Planning, Valtická 337, 69144 Lednice, Czechia, e-mail: kontakt@zuzanafialova.cz, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2395-9153; Mendel University in Brno, Department of Landscape Planning, Valtická 337, 69144 Lednice, Czechia, e-mail: r.kle@seznam.cz, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9481-2162 Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2022, vol.: 10, number: 4,  pages: 89-113. Keywords: architecture, landscape architecture, heritage, interpretation, visitor centre Language: English online full-text PDF DOI: 10.46284/mkd.2021.10.4.6 Title: The forgotten Karol Andel (1897–1977) and his contribution to the development of Ethnography, Archaeology and Museology in Slovakia Abstract: The paper is an evaluation study of the biographical work of Karol Andel, who, as a civil servant in the interwar and post-war periods, devoted himself to the amateur collection of ethnographic material and the search for archaeological sites. His work refuted opinions of the prehistoric sterility of many regions, and also laid the foundations of many ethnographic and archaeological collections in Slovakia – in Kysuce Záhorie, Levoča and Bojnice, and at the Slovak National Museum in Bratislava. In his fieldwork he collaborated with respected authorities of archaeology and ethnography in Slovakia, including J. Eisner, V. Budinský-Krička, Š. Janšák, B. Szöke, R. Bednárik and M. Markuš. Thanks to his lifelong professional work and passion, he eventually became a researcher at the Ethnographic Institute, and later the Archaeological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Author: Priečko, Martin Publication order reference: University of Ss Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Department of Ethnology and World Studies, Slovakia e-mail: martin.priecko@ucm.sk, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0963-7660 Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2022, vol.: 10, number: 4,  pages: 115-131. Keywords: Karol Andel, Ethnographer, Archaeologist, amateur collector, development of museology in Slovakia, interwar period Language: English online full-text PDF DOI: 10.46284/mkd.2021.10.4.7
Articles (Abstracts)

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  ISSN 1339-2204 eISSN 2453-9759 EV 1/22/EPP Vol. 10 (2022), No. Is. 4