© Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, o.z. 2025
MUZEOLÓGIA  MUSEOLOGY  a kultúrne dedičstvo  and Cultural Heritage
Contents 1/2014
Introduction (p.5)
In Practice Šimončičová Anna. Protecting and Providing Access to Cultural Heritage in Tourism: A Case Study Involving the Organization Trnava Tourism (p. 92) Nemec Michal. Traditional Folk Culture as a Part of Digital Heritage (p. 104) Denková Zuzana. An Ethnologist’s Thoughts on Doing Research in Museums (s. 110) Šimončičová Mária. How to Employ Cultural Heritage in Tourism: A Case Study Involving Vineyards in Little Carpathians  (p. 115) Nekuža Petr – Stöhrová Pavla. Museums and Scholarly Research (p. 129)
Books received a reviews Museums of Natural History in Berlin and Salzburg: Two Inspirations for 21st Century Museums  (K. Kaucká - J. Tomášek) (p.143) Exhibition How the time was measured (J. Ragačová) (p. 147) Exhibition: 120 years of Slovak national museum (Z. Faláthová) (p. 152) Exhibition: This is how Petržalka used to be. Petržalka between 1919 and 1946 (D. Lacová) (p. 156)  Stanislava Gogová. Archeológia a múzejná prezentácia (J. Dolák) (p. 158) A Hanbook of Museum Studies from Opava (P. Tišliar) (p. 159)
News A Student Field Trip to Brno (Z. Lintnerová) (p. 161) Conference Report: Museum and Change IV.  (J. Dolák) (p. 166)


Journal Muzeológia a

kultúrne dedičstvo -

Museology and Cultural


SJR 2023: Q1

Museology SJR rank: 14/83 (Q1) Conservation SJR rank: 26/103 (Q1)

JIF WoS 2023: 0,6

JCI WoS 2023: 1,28, Q1 ESCI: 49/411 (Q1)

New issue

Muzeológia a kultúrne

dedičstvo 1/2025

online New volume Studia Museologica Slovaca, vol. 8 (2024) online New volume Populačné štúdie Slovenska 17 (2024) online

New book

P. Tišliar (ed.). Osobnosti uměleckoprůmyslového muzejnictví (2025). online
Articles (Abstracts)
Title: KULTÚRNE DEDIČSTVO A GLOBALIZÁCIA: PRÍBEH JEDNEJ LOKALITY UNESCO  (Cultural History and Globalisation: A Tale of a UNESCO World Heritage Site) Abstract: This paper examines the influence of globalization on cultural heritage, focusing on the role of UNESCO as the primary initiator and creator of international agreements on the protection of cultural heritage. On one hand, UNESCO is a defender of cultural heritage from globalization, on the other, it is a strong global player who determines and enforces individual policies and practices in the field of the protection of cultural heritage all over the world. The first part of this paper examines selected opinions of experts on the issue of globalization and cultural heritage. The second part is a case study presenting the results of empirical research conducted in Vlkolínec, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1993, which aimed to analyze the effect the inclusion of the village in the World Heritage List had on the everyday lives of its inhabitants and the village itself.   Author: Bitušíková Alexandra Publication order reference: Inštitút sociálnych a kultúrnych štúdií, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela, Cesta na amfiteáter 1, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic, email: alexandra.bitusikova@umb.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2014, vol.: 2, number: 1,  pages: 9-18. Key words: CULTURAL HERITAGE, GLOBALISATION, UNESCO, UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE, VLKOLÍNEC Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: SÚČASNÝ STAV A PERSPEKTÍVY SKÚMANIA A PREZENTÁCIE JAVOV NEHMOTNÉHO KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA V KONTEXTE BANSKOBYSTRICKÉHO KRAJA (Current Situation and Perspectives of Research into and Presentation of Intangible Cultural Heritage Phenomena in the Context of Banská Bystrica Region) Abstract: The study deals with the current state of research into intangible cultural heritage phenomena in the context of the Banská Bystrica Region, and highlights the rising number of recently restored and publicly presented socio-cultural phenomena of traditional culture. We examine two closely related areas that exemplify the issues at hand: the current state of tradi-tional folk culture in its geographical context (i.e. the Banská Bystrica Region) and the institu-tional structure of the Regional government. They also constitute the basic determining factors that define not only the potential contents of the phenomena and processes of traditional culture as a basis for presentations, but also their form. They are not identical all throughout Slovak regions; some regions preserve cultural traditions to a larger extent, others do so to a lesser extent; in some regions, the concentration of monuments is higher and the same is true of museums, particularly museums of natural sciences. An overview of regular and recent activities taking place in the Region of Banská Bystrica provides answers to questions con-cerning quantity and diversity of folk culture and highlights positive and negative aspects of these types of presenting cultural heritage phenomena. Author: Darulová Jolana Publication order reference: Inštitút sociálnych a kultúrnych štúdií, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela, Cesta na amfiteáter 1, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic, email: jolana.darulova@umb.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2014, vol.: 2, number: 1,  pages: 19-28. Key words: INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE, REGION OF BANSKÁ BYSTRICA, BEST PRACTICES Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: ÚLOHA VÝSKUMU V PROCESE UCHOVANIA A VEDECKÉHO ZHODNOCOVANIA KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA V MÚZEU (The Role of Research in the Process of Preservation and Scientific Exploitation of Cultural Heritage in a Museum) Abstract: We examine the role and importance of scientific research in the process of obtain-ing and scientifically assessing cultural heritage in a museum as a memory institution. This research is a part of a complex approach to the phenomenon of documenting a society’s de-velopment and as such, it must give equal attention to tangible and intangible cultural heritage which is often difficult to do in practice. In this context, we focus our attention on ecomuse-ums which aside from preserving and presenting also aim to at least partially revitalize cultural heritage in its natural environment.  Author: Krišková Zdena Publication order reference: Inštitút sociálnych a kultúrnych štúdií, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Mateja Bela, Cesta na amfiteáter 1, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic, email: zdena.kriskova@umb.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2014, vol.: 2, number: 1,  pages: 29-39. Key words: CULTURAL HERITAGE, RESEARCH, ABSTRACT EVIDENCE, ECOMUSEUM Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: CÍLE VZDĚLÁVACÍCH AKTIVIT V KONTEXTU MUZEJNÍHO PLÁNOVÁNÍ  (Objectives of Educational Activities in the Context of Museum Planning) Abstract: The paper deals with the objectives of educational activities in the context of the complete museum planning. We examine the process from the strategic planning stage in which the objectives are followed by the mission and vision of a museum to the final setting of general objectives of museum’s educational activities which are subsequently implemented by partial and operational objectives. A proposal for general objectives of museum teaching is formulated and the taxonomy of educative objectives as currently applied in education is pro-posed. The paper emphasizes the fact that the visitors must ultimately determine all museum planning, which is to say, they are the determinants to all objectives at all stages of museum planning.   Author: Šobáňová Petra Publication order reference: Katedra výtvarné výchovy, Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. Univerzitní 3-5, 771 40 Olomouc, Czech Republic, email: pet-ra.sobanova@post.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2014, vol.: 2, number: 1,  pages: 41-56. Key words: MUSEUM EDUCATION, EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES, OBJECTIVES OF MUSEUM TEACHING, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, MUSEUM PLANNING Language: CZECH online full-text PDF Title: DOKUMENTACE RELIKTŮ VENKOVSKÉ ARCHITEKTURY S DŮRAZEM NA DOPOSUD NEZMAPOVANÉ ROUBENÉ STAVBY V PROSTORU OSTRAVSKO-KARVINSKÉHO UHELNÉHO REVÍRU (Documenting Relicts of Folk Architecture with Focus on Previously Undescribed Log Houses in the Ostrava-Karviná) Abstract: This paper introduces a newly begun research project conducted by the Silesian Regional Musem (Slezské zemské muzeum) in Opava which aims to thoroughly document folk architecture in the regions affected by coal-mining and industrial activities, i.e. the region around the cities of Karviná and Ostrava in Czech Silesia. Field research and the concurrent archival research will focus on previously undescribed log houses, some of which are currently under threat. The methodology used in this project and described in this paper is based on previous research conducted in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, with special focus on interdisciplinary cooperation.   Authors: Koudelová Jana, Michalička Václav Publication order reference: Oddělení historického výzkumu, Slezské zemské muzeum, Nádražní okruh 29, 746 01 Opava, Czech Republic, email: koudelova@szm.cz, michalicka.v@seznam.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2014, vol.: 2, number: 1,  pages: 57-72. Key words: VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE, LOG HOUSES, TRADITIONAL ARCHITECTURE, OSTRAVA, KARVINÁ Language: CZECH online full-text PDF Title: VÝUČBA MÚZEJNEJ PEDAGOGIKY V ŠTUDIJNOM PROGRAME MUZEOLÓGIA A KULTÚRNE DEDIČSTVO NA FIF UK V BRATISLAVE – TEÓRIA A PRAX (Teaching Museum Education as a Part of the Program Museology and Cultural Heritage at the Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University in Bratislava: Theory and Practice) Abstract: The authors describe the preparation of specialized courses on museum education and exhibition management which aim to introduce students to interacting with the public and the use of various presentation methods for educational purposes. Museum education is cur-rently one of the fastest evolving branches of museum studies and museum practice. The mu-seum education courses taught as a part of the Museology and Cultural Heritage program at the Faculty of Arts provide both a wide theoretical background and significant practical expe-rience the proof of which is a number of successful student projects in both academia as well as beyond.   Authors: Kačírek Ľuboš, Tišliar Pavol Publication order reference: Katedra etnológie a muzeológie, Filozofická fakulta UK, Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: kacirek@fphil.uniba.sk, tisliar@fphil.uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2014, vol.: 2, number: 1,  pages: 73-91. Key words: MUSEUM EDUCATION, INTERACTION WITH PUBLIC, UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS IN MUSEOLOGY, FACULTY OF ARTS OF THE COMENIUS UNIVERSITY IN BRATISLAVA Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF
Remembering and Honoring Outstanding Contributions to Cultural Heritage Remembering Ľudmila Kraskovská (26. 6. 1904 Vilnius, Lithuanian – 26. 6. 1999 Bratislava) and Her Contribution to Slovak Museum Studies on the 110th Anniversary of Her Birth (Ľ. Kačírek) (p. 135) Remembering Dobroslava Menclová (2. 1. 1904 Přerov – 19. 11. 1978 Plzeň) on the 110th Anniversary of Her Birth (Ľ. Kačírek) (p. 140)
Terminology How We Smuggled a Part of Stockholm into Standard Slovak (J. Liptay) (p. 142)
I SSN 1339-2204
Vol. 2 (2014), No. Is. 1