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MUZEOLÓGIA  MUSEOLOGY  a kultúrne dedičstvo  and Cultural Heritage
Contents 2/2014
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Articles (Abstracts)
Title: HISTORY OF POLITICAL REPRESSIONS IN THE EXPOSITIONS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOMI Abstract: This paper introduces the history of 20th-century political repressions that had significant influence on the economic and social-cultural development of the Republic of Komi and provides a brief overview of museum collections connected with the Gulag system which created in the 1940s. It is shown how the history of political repressions was reflected in the expositions of the National museum of the Republic of Komi (leading museum in the Europe-an Northeast of Russia) since the first exhibitions which took place in late 1980s up to the present.  Author: Zherebtsov Igor L., Bandura Svetlana V. Publication order reference: Institute of Language, Literature and History, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of Academic Council of the National museum of the Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia, email: isaid@bk.ru, zherebtsov@mail.illhkomisc.ru Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2014, vol.: 2, number: 2,  pages: 9-19. Key words: HISTORY, POLITICAL REPRESSIONS, REPUBLIC OF KOMI, GULAG, MUSEUM EXPOSITIONS, INTELLIGENTSIA Language: ENGLISH online fulltext PDF Title: KONZERVAČNÁ VEDA V SLOVENSKOM NÁRODNOM ARCHÍVE (Conservation Science in the Slovak National Archives) Abstract: This paper analyzes the role of conservation science in Slovak archives by examining its relationship to archival science and highlighting the wide application of current conservation science by means of research into conservation technologies, data storage devices and media, microbiological processes and the processes of deterioration with age. The latest research in the Slovak National Archives focuses on tracing paper and photographs and underscores the importance of implementing conservation science and its practice in everyday archival work. Author: Maková Alena Publication order reference: MVSR - Slovenský národný archív v Bratislave, Drotárska cesta 42, 840 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: alena.makova@sna.vs.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2014, vol.: 2, number: 2,  pages: 21-32. Key words: CONSERVATION SCIENCE, CONSERVATION RESEARCH, MASS DEA-CIDIFICATION, TRACING PAPER, PHOTOGRAPHS Language: SLOVAK online fulltext PDF Title: METÓDY TVORBY GEODETICKÝCH PODKLADOV NA OCHRANU A REKONŠTRUKCIU OBJEKTOV NEHNUTEĽNÉHO KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA  (Geodetic Surveying Methods for the Purposes of Protection and Reconstruction of Immovab-le Cultural Heritage) Abstract: This paper discusses geodetic surveying by means of modern electronic total station and GNSS apparatus as employed in the survey of the cemetery „Zvonový vŕšok“ in Banská Štiavnica. Various options of 3D model creation by close-range photogrammetry and ter-restrial laser scanner are analyzed with an eye towards their application to other similar scena-rios in cultural heritage preservation.     Author: Ježko Ján, Sokol Štefan, Bajtala Marek Publication order reference: IKatedra geodézie, Stavebná fakulta STU v Bratislave, Radlinského 11,  813 68 Bratislava 15 , Slovak Republic, email: jan.jezko@stuba.sk, sokol@svf.stuba.sk, marek.bajtala@stuba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2014, vol.: 2, number: 2,  pages: 33-48 Key words: 3D MODELS, MAPS, ELECTRONIC TACHYMETER, GNSS (GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM), TERRESTRIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY, TERRESTRIAL LASER SCANNING Language: SLOVAK online fulltext PDF Title: DISKONTINUITA VO VIDIECKEJ STAVEBNEJ KULTÚRE (Discontinuity in Vernacular Rural Architecture) Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the most significant breaks in continuity in rural architecture in Slovakia. Their consequences persist to this day and are reflected in the transformation of the rural landscape, settlement structures and the disappearance vernacular buildings that are part of our cultural heritage. The question is then asked whether this process is reversible and what the future role of traditional rural architecture in rural development will be. Author: Ulašinová Lenka Publication order reference: Katedra etnológie a muzeológie, Filozofická fakulta UK, Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, e-mail: lenkaspunk@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2014, vol.: 2, number: 2,  pages: 49-65. Key words: DISCONTINUITY, RURAL BUILDING CULTURE, VERNACULAR CONSTRUCTION Language: SLOVAK online fulltext PDF
In Practice Fojtíková Lucia. Museum Pedagogy and Educational Programs in SNM – Music Museum (p. 66) Rezníková Katarína. The Role of the Children’s Museum in Informal Children’s Education  (p. 73) Žažová Miroslava. Comparing Educational Programs of Specialized Museums from the Viewpoint of Museum Pedagogy (p. 76) Györgyfiová Michaela. A Night at the Museum – Possibilities for Innovation (p. 83) Tišliar Pavol. A Night at the Museum – Possibilities for Innovation (p. 91) Šteiner Pavol. Modern Militaria, What’s Next? A Museologist’s and Archeologist’s View (p. 97) Falathová Zuzana. Museum Subjects in the work of the Sculptor Fraňo Štefunko  (p. 101) Škovierová Zita – Škoviera Ľuboš. The National Project „Digitization of Slovakia’s Cultural Heritage“ in the Context of Presentation and Popularization of European Cultural Heritage  (p.106) Rýchliková Petra. The Baroque Castle and its Historical Grounds in Bernolákovo (p. 117) Paprčková Michala. Founding a Museum as an Institution: A Case Study of the Room of Traditions in Ľubietová (p. 126) Remembering and Honoring Outstanding Contributions to Cultural Heritage Ethnologist, Conservationist and Museologist Ladislav Mlynka (Ľuboš Kačírek) (p. 133) Ladislav Mlynka – Selected Publications  (Ľuboš Kačírek) (p. 137) Láďa Mlynka (Pavel Habáň) (p. 140) Remembering Lacko Mlynka (Magdaléna Paríková) (p. 142) Ladislav Mlynka: In Memoriam (Miroslav Válka) (p. 144) To Friedrich Waidacher on his 80th Birthday (Ľuboš Kačírek) (p. 145) Ferenc Pulszky (Ľuboš Kačírek) (p. 147) Books received and reviews MARÁKY, Peter. Mestské Múzeá. In: Kultúrne krásy Slovenska. (Pavol Tišliar) (p. 148) Studia Bibliographica Posoniensia 2013. (Ľuboš Kačírek) (p. 149) News Student Field Trip in the Museum of Fortifications in Petržalka (Dana Lacová) (p. 151) Field Trip to the Balkans  (Zuzana Lintnerová) (p. 153) Report from the ICOM – CIMUSET Meeting in Paris (Marie Gilbertová) (p. 162)
ISSN 1339-2204
Vol. 2 (2014), No. Is. 2