© Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, o.z. 2024
MUZEOLÓGIA  MUSEOLOGY  a kultúrne dedičstvo  and Cultural Heritage


New issue

Muzeológia a kultúrne

dedičstvo 3/2024

online New volume Studia Museologica Slovaca, vol. 7 (2023) online Populačné štúdie Slovenska (journal) online

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L. Jagošová a P. Tišliar (eds.). Slované - život a smrt v raném středověku. Materiály a statě. online
Code of Ethics of the Journal Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo The journal Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo (Museology and Cultural Heritage) is published by the non-profit Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, o. z. The editorial board and the international editorial board are composed of Slovak and international scholars and experts in the field of preservation and protection of cultural heritage, museum studies and museology. The main mission of the editorial board is to ensure the high quality of published papers,  prevent any unprofessional actions and to safeguard the compliance with the code of ethics. This code of ethics is binding for all persons (natural or legal) involved in the publication of the journal. Authorship and accountability - All authors must give a full list of primary and secondary sources (references) format in accordance with ISO 690 as outlined in the Author Instructions. All authors shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure proper citation of references and will be accountable for any failures to do so. All authors shall declare their affiliation (institution, address, email address) and any and all financial support they may have received in the course of the preparation of their submission. - For copyrighted material, all authors must obtain the appropriate permissions and provide them to the editorial board. - Plagiarism, other forms of use of any material without proper and full attribution and use of unreliable sources shall not be tolerated. - All submissions must be original and not previously published. All submissions submitted for publication elsewhere or published previously shall be rejected unless significant changes or additions were made which warrant its renewed publication. In such case, the author must provide a detailed description of the changes made including the appropriate reference for the original publication. - All authors shall take an active role in the peer review of their submissions, shall correctly list all the contributors and/or co-authors and shall ensure that all co-authors are familiar and agree with the final version of the submission sent for peer review and have agreed to be listed as co-authors - Authors shall also ensure that all data is correct. This includes all the personal and affiliation data as required by the journal (see Author Instructions). - Authors shall immediately inform the editorial board of any and all errors and inaccuracies in their submissions and correct them, whether upon being notified after the conclusion of peer review or upon finding them themselves. - Authors are entitled to appeal the publication decisions made by the editorial board. Any conflicts shall be resolved in accordances with the rule of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as published at http://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines. Peer review and reviewers' responsibilities - Each reviewer shall fill out a review report detailing their findings on the paper's quality, originality and its contribution to its subject area. - All review reports shall be objective and confidential. They shall only be made accessible to the authors and to members of the editorial board to be used in the final publication decisions. - Peer review is strictly anonymous; at no point is the identity of authors revealed to reviewers and vice versa. - Reviewers must not be in a conflict of interest with regard to the research, the authors or the institution providing financial support to either. - All reviewers must immediately notify the editorial board if they determine that a submission has already been published or the sources used are inappropriate. - Ad hominem criticism is unacceptable. - The selection of reviewers is fully within the purview of the editorial board. A reviewer must not be a member of the same institution as the author and must not be in any conflict of interest with either the author or organizations and institutions providing financial support to the author's research. - Reviewers shall immediately notify the editorial board of their inability or unwillingness to accept the task as well as of any delays in the preparation of the review. Editorial board's and publishers responsibilities - The editorial board reserves full rights to reject all submissions it deems to fall outside of the scope of the journal. - A decision on publication shall be made only upon the completion and positive outcome of the peer review. The peer reviewers' reports shall constitute the primary basis for the publication decision. The editorial board reserves the right to schedule the publication of accepted submissions. - The editorial board may not accept a paper which has not been peer reviewed or which was not recommended for publication by the reviewers. Only brief notices, practical papers, annotations, reviews and news items shall be published without a peer review. - Members of the editorial board shall conduct themselves professionally and impartially. - The publisher shall take all necessary steps to avoid conflict of interest between all involved parties. Any and all conflicts shall be resolved in accordance with the Elsevier Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (for details, see A and B). - The publisher must avoid conflict of interest with accepted or rejected submissions. - The editorial board shall enforce the code of ethics. - The editorial board guarantees that the published papers conform to internationally accepted ethics rules and standard academic practice. - The editorial board protects the confidentiality of personal data, the contents of review reports and any and all communication between the board, authors and reviewers. - The editorial board shall publish and, whenever necessary, update peer review rules and author instructions. - If any errors are found in published submission, the editorial board shall take the appropriate steps to correct them. - Reviewers' confidentiality is protected without exception. Fundamental principles of the Code of Ethics of the Journal Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo - To ensure that all published submissions conform to international ethic rules and accepted academic practice. - To prevent any commercial considerations from compromising on the authors' and the journal's intellectual integrity and ethical principles. - Enable the publication of errata, corrections, clarifications or retractions whenever necessary. - Thoroughly investigate any ethical infractions and take appropriate steps whenever necessary. Download as PDF