© Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, o.z. 2025
MUZEOLÓGIA  MUSEOLOGY  a kultúrne dedičstvo  and Cultural Heritage


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Contents 2/2018
Title: KARL POPPER A MUZEOLOGIE: MEZI OBJEKTEM A MUZEÁLIÍ (Karl Popper and Museology : Between object and musealia) Abstract: The paper summarizes both the division of the world and the approach towards things of different philosophers (Plato, Hegel, Moore, Russel, Whitehead, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Reichenbach, Patočka). Special attention is given to the system of three worlds (material, psychic, and real – ideal, immaterial) of Karl Popper. Those approaches are applied to the understanding of a museum collection in both theoretical and practical sense. Authors: Dolák Jan Publication order reference: Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Museology, Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail: jan.dolak@uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 7-17. Key words: museology, museum, collection, philosophy, k.r.popper, structure Language: Czech online full-text PDF Title: THE NAME OF FABERGE AT THE CROSSING OF PHILATELY AND JEWELRY ARTS Abstract: This study analyzes the historical connection between philately and jewellery art, which is expressed in the peculiarities of the work of the artists and in techniques used by them, and which was embodied in the creation of new trends in collecting. The Fabergé family found itself at the crossing of these trends. This family attained great success and their family name was forever preserved in art, culture and entrepreneurship activity of Russia at the turn of the 20th century. Authors: Bakayutova Liudmila Nickolayevna Publication order reference: St.Petersburg State University Department of Museum studies, University embankment, 7-9, 199034 Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, Director Deputy of The A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications, e-mail: lbakayutova@spbu.ru Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 19-29. Key words: philately, postage stamps, stamp-boxes, jewellery art, history, arts, culture, entrepreneurship, Carl Gustav Faberge, Agathon Carlovich Fabergé, Oleg Agathonovich Fabergé, Franz Kepler Language: english online full-text PDF Title: THE IDEA OF MUSEUM IN CONTEMPORARY CURATORIAL PROJECTS Abstract: The assessment of the status of contemporary art is theoretically justified in the context of institutional theory, developed in the works of George Dickie and Arthur C. Danto. Museums are pillars of the institutional theory, as they mainly provide art with an undisputed status. The phenomenon of the museum boom of the present day, as the phenomenon of the emergence of the concept of “imaginary museums” in the second half of the 20th century, is associated with longing for “true” art, which ultimately leads to museums, or to the idea of museum. If in a classical museum a viewer expected to see “authentic”, as in “not fake”, works of the old masters, in a museum of contemporary art they expect to see at least “true” art, i.e. works “with the status of art.” Museums give art the quality of “authenticity”, hence the interest in museums and museum projects nowadays, despite the abundance of publicized images of museum artefacts in the media. Instead of these “simulacrums”, museums offer “real” artworks, and the idea of museum attracts a considerable attention, reflected in numerous curatorial projects dedicated to the image and the idea of museum. Among such projects were, for example, the exhibition Voices of Andre Malraux’s Imaginary Museum at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow and the exhibition The Keeper at the New Museum in New York. Authors: Biryukova Marina V.,  Nikonova Antonina A. Publication order reference: Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, Department of Museum Work and Protection of Monuments, 5, Mendeleevskaya Line, Vassilievsky ostrov, 199034 Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, e-mail: arsvita@mail.ru, onina@rambler.ru Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 31-44. Key words: idea of museum, contemporary art, institutional theory, curatorial projects, exhibition, aesthetics Language: english online full-text PDF Title: NATIONAL MUSEUMS AND MUSEUMS OF MODERN ART IN POLAND – COMPETITION FOR DOMINATION IN THE FIELD OF MUSEUMS Abstract: The objective of this paper is to analyse the transformations in the field of museums in Poland, and to study more closely the process of constructing a museum model that meets contemporary challenges. Two types of museums are analysed here, namely national museums and museums of modern art, to demonstrate how their respective activities affect the structure of the field in question, bringing about change. It is the assumption of this study, following Pierre Bourdieu’s framework of conflict perspective, that museums situated in the field of orthodoxy and the ones in the field of heterodoxy compete within the artistic field for a symbolic domination over other participants. At the core interest of this study, there is a question to what extent chosen Polish museums and staff apply the principles of the New Museology in their daily practice. Authors: Nieroba Elżbieta Publication order reference: University of Opole, Institute of Sociology, pl. Kopernika 11a, 45-040 Opole, Poland, email: enieroba@uni.opole.pl, panagia@poczta.fm Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 45-58. Key words: modern art museum, museum field, national museum, Pierre Bourdieu  Language: english online full-text PDF Title: SACRED PAGAN TEMPLES IN THE CAUCASUS REGION: CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES Abstract: The article deals with Christian-pagan sacred places and Caucasus traditions in the 19th century. The authors pay attention to the structure of the pagan temples and their characteristic regional features, and they study the traditions and the role of the local clergy in the life of society. Materials of personal origin (memoirs and diary entries) of emissaries, scouts and travellers in the 19th century were used as sources in the research. These materials allow us to get an idea about the structure of the temples and ceremonies that were held around them. In addition, materials of archaeological research, as well as modern scientific publications, were used for this study. In solving research problems, both general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, concretization, generalization) as well as traditional methods of historical analysis were applied. The work uses the historical-situational method, which involves the study of historical facts in the context of the studied era in conjunction with “neighbouring” events and facts. The application of this method allowed the authors to understand the role of the pagan temples and their priests in preparation of the highlanders to assault their neighbours. In conclusion, the authors note that pagan temples were built in many parts of the Caucasus region: in Circassia, Abkhazia, Georgia, and Ossetia. However, until the end of the 19th century, they remained only in the most remote and impassable parts of the mountainous regions. The reasons for this were the enormous social upheaval in the Caucasus, the civil war in Circassia and the religious persecution of the old Christian-pagan clergy. Authors: Cherkasov Aleksandr, Koroleva Larisa, Bratanovskii Sergei, Smigel Michal Publication order reference: International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research, Washington, USA, 1150 Connecticut Ave. NW, STE 900 Washington, District of Columbia, USA 20036, Volgograd State University, University prospect 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Penza, Germana Titovs str. 28, 440000 Penza, Russian Federation, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Stremyanny lane 36, 117997 Moscow, Russian Federation, Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Národná str. 12, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, e-mail: sochi003@rambler.ru, la-koro@yandex.ru bratfoot@mail.ru, michal.smigel@umb.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 59-69. Key words: traditions, religion, pagan temples, Georgians, Khevsurians, Circassians, Tushetians, Abkhazians, Ossetians Language: english online full-text PDF Title: WITCHCRAFT, SORCERY AND HAND WRINGING IN THE LIFE OF SIBERIAN PEASANTS: ON THE MATERIALS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Abstract: In the nineteenth century, the Orthodox Church, authorities, investigative bodies and courts officially recognized the possibility of such phenomena as witchcraft, witcheries, hand wringing, sorcery and shamanism. This is confirmed by numerous reports, eyewitness accounts, messages, investigations and trials materials. Penalties for such “acts”, appointed by the courts, were often rather mild (church repentance, offertory, lashes, etc.). More severe measures were prescribed much more rarely (expulsion from a settlement, prison, etc.). The reason for this state of affairs was the complexity of proving that any manifestations of the “sufferer” were caused precisely by witchcraft or witcheries. It is shown that there were some peculiarities in the attitude towards the witchcraft among the population of the Siberian region. It is established that snakes and frogs, which were very common in the Siberian region, became the main attribute and material used in witchcraft, sorcery and witcheries. Herbs characteristic of the flora of the Siberian region were also used in the rituals. It is confirmed that witchcraft in the Siberian region was less common than in other regions of the country. This “mystery” was most often practiced by women and much less often by men. Authors: Putilina Yulia V., Ustinova Oksana V., Shevchenko Natal’ya A. Publication order reference: Tyumen regional Academy for professional development, Russian Federation, International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research, Washington, USA, 1150 Connecticut Ave. NW, STE 900 Washington. District of Columbia, USA 20036, Volgograd State University, Russian Federation, University prospect 100, 400062 Volgograd, e-mail: nauka- 2012@list.ru, sema_79@bk.ru, shevchenko.incfar@yandex.ru Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 71-81. Key words: Siberia, witchcraft, sorcery, hand wringing, shamanism, reports, messages, investigations, courts, traditions, superstitions, incantations, rituals, ceremonials Language: english online full-text PDF Title: FATE OF THE ANDRÁSSY ARCHIVE FROM BETLIAR AND KRÁSNA HÔRKA IN THE 1940s AND 1950s Abstract: This paper examines the fate of the family and economic archives of the Andrássy family after the confiscation of the property complex in Betliar and Krásna Hôrka after the World War II was over. Complicated property rights and changes in ownership resulted in the fact that the archives were put into keeping of the Agricultural Archives (Pôdohospodársky archív) in Bratislava. Local government and the administration of the State Cultural Estate in Betliar, who managed the remains of Betliar and Krásna Hôrka Castle as museums, sought to keep this family archive in its original place. However, this resulted in a forced transport of parts of this archive into the branch of the Agricultural Archives in Levoča. Authors: Tišliar Pavol Publication order reference: Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Museology, Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail: pavol.tisliar@uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 83-93. Key words: archive of the andrássy family, manor-house Betliar, castle Krásna Hôrka, Slovakia, 20th century Language: english online full-text PDF Title: KULTÚRNE DEDIČSTVO A JEHO POTENCIÁL V KONTEXTE UDRŽATEĽNÉHO ROZVOJA : MODROTLAČ AKO KULTÚRNOIDENTIFIKAČNÝ PRVOK NA REPREZENTATÍVNOM ZOZNAME NEHMOTNÉHO KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA (Cultural heritage and its potential in the context of sustainable development : blueprint as a cultural identification element on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage) Abstract: The study follows the inter-ethnic, economic and socio-cultural links of blueprint. As a specific product of traditional craftsmanship, it is closely related to the history and culture of our ethnicity. This element of cultural heritage captures not only its material, but also social contexts. It accentuates the inter-ethnic relations of the blueprint with an emphasis on the issues of cultural identity. This is documented by the idea of a common nomination of the technology of blueprint making into the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, and Germany).  The condition was that it had to be first entered on the national lists of cultural heritage. The study is based on a long-term ethnological field research in the Spiš region. Its aim is to monitor the condition and possibilities of revitalizing the blueprint as one of the basic presumptions of sustainability within our cultural heritage. Authors: Krišková Zdena Publication order reference: Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Social and Cultural Studies, Cesta na amfiteáter č. 1, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, e-mail: zdena.kriskova@umb.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 95-106. Key words: blueprint, cultural heritage, identity, UNESCO Language: slovak online full-text PDF Title: ZACHOVÁVANIE A PREZENTÁCIA NEHMOTNÉHO  KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA MESTA : NA PRÍKLADE BANSKEJ BYSTRICE (Preservation and presentation of intangible cultural heritage of a town : based on the example of Banská Bystrica) Abstract: The paper deals with the issue of cultural heritage in an urban environment. The research is located in the central Slovakia mining town of Banská Bystrica and its surroundings, with the focus on chosen historical events. Popular science literature often gives the town of Banská Bystrica titles with different attributes according to the town´s priorities in the historical context. “The mining town” is the oldest attribute and “the uprising town” (Banská Bystrica was the centre of Slovak National Uprising in 1944) or “administrative town” are among newer. The newest attributes usually concentrate on the town´s engagement in various projects, for example the town of sport, healthy town, green town, etc. There is also a long-time tradition of organizing annual fairs. The biggest and most famous fair is the Radvanský fair which celebrated its 360th anniversary in 2017. We consider the mining tradition, the uprising tradition and the elements listed on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Slovakia as the core of the town´s intangible cultural heritage. Authors: Darulová Jolana Publication order reference: Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Social and Cultural Studies, Cesta na amfiteáter č. 1, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, e-mail: jolana.darulova@umb.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 107-119. Key words: cultural heritage, convention, town, mining traditions, uprising tradition Language: slovak online full-text PDF Title: KULTÚRNE DEDIČSTVO VOJVODINSKÝCH SLOVÁKOV V KONTEXTE SLOVENSKEJ KULTÚRY (Cultural Legacy of the Slovaks from Vojvodina in the Context of Slovak Culture) Abstract: Since its establishment at the end of the 18th century, the culture of  the Slovaks from Vojvodina has developed in two ways: the first one reflects their effort to constantly follow the phenomena present in the cultural setting of Slovakia and to have an active dialogue with them. The second one arises from the specific environment of Vojvodina, where these Slovaks landed up. The article is focused on the analysis of this cultural situation, trying to answer the questions to what extent the information about culture of Slovaks from Vojvodina occurs in the cultural context in Slovakia, and to what extent the share of particular cultural phenomena is reflected while having in mind the contribution of Vojvodina´s specifics. Authors: Babiak Michal Publication order reference: Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Museology, Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail: babiak.m.michal@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 121-130. Key words: Slovaks from Vojvodina, culture of foreign Slovaks, culture in enclave, interculturality, Slovak culture Language: slovak online full-text PDF Title: HLINENÁ KERAMIKA Z OBCE TAJOV (Earthenware from Tajov village) Abstract: Clay is a very widespread and easily moldable material. People have used it from the very beginning for their needs. We can use clay to make various useful, decorative or iconic artifacts. However, clay has found the most frequent use in the manufacture of dishes. Clay products are the most common evidence around the world that helps to determine the stages of the societal development. This article provides information about the history, production method, and assortment of clay products from Tajov village. The ceramics from the village of Tajov were functional, original and extremely nice and they are a proof of the ability and creative expression of our ancestors. The Sedilek family was the last family in Tajov known to perform this craft. Authors: Koltonová Jana Publication order reference: The Central Slovak Museum in Banská Bystrica, Nám. SNP 4/A, 974 01  Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, email: koltonova@ssmuzeum.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 131-140. Key words: clay, pottery, village Tajov, museum collections, Sedilek family Language: slovak online full-text PDF In  Practice Title: PREZENTÁCIA PAMIATOK V NITRE A OKOLÍ AKO JEDNA Z CIEST K BUDOVANIU POZITÍVNEHO VZŤAHU KU KULTÚRNEMU DEDIČSTVU (Presentation of monuments in Nitra and its surroundings as one of the methods for creating a positive attitude towards our cultural heritage) Abstract: Following the specialization of the department, our interest in the topic of cultural heritage is aimed mainly at monuments and archaeological sites, often in context of a wider background. Besides scientific investigation and teaching archaeology, we have been dealing with their popularization and presentation in recent years. The goal of this article is to present various popularization activities whose goal is, besides others, to reinforce relations towards cultural heritage and to develop historical consciousness. Our activities for primary school children as well as popularization activities for public related to archaeological sites which are being archaeologically investigated are very popular. Authors: Borzová Zuzana Publication order reference: Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology, Hodžova 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia, e-mail: zborzova@ukf.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 141-148. Key words: popularization of archaeology, presentation of monuments, archaeology in the process of education, cultural heritage Language: slovak online full-text PDF Title: PREZENTÁCIA MATERIÁLNEJ A DUCHOVNEJ KULTÚRY KELTOV V PROJEKTE ŠTUDENTOV KATEDRY MUZEOLÓGIE NA FF UKF V NITRE (Presentation of the Material and Spiritual Culture of the Celts - Student Project at the Department of Museology, FA CPU in Nitra) Abstract: The 21st century has brought several changes to the culture, including the field of museology and monument care. These changes require evolving the methods of cultural heritage presentation. Students at our department therefore decided to upgrade their current presentational activities by creating a panel exhibition and developing it as an educational project for primary schools. They chose the topic of Celtic material and spiritual culture, since a lot of evidence of their civilization was found in Slovakia. Besides the exhibition, the project includes a multimedia presentation for teachers, activity sheets for pupils, and a 3D visualisation of a Celtic settlement. Authors: Gogová Stanislava, Šteiner Pavol Publication order reference: Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology, Hodžova 1, 949 74 Nitra, Slovakia, e-mail: sgogova@ukf.sk, psteiner@ukf.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 149-162. Key words: Celts, Department of Museology FA CPU in Nitra, travelling exhibition, activity sheets, presentation, digital presentation Language: slovak online full-text PDF Title: KATEDRA ETNOLÓGIE A MUZEOLÓGIE UNIVERZITY KOMENSKÉHO – ZHODNOTENIE ODBORNÝCH ČINNOSTÍ A ŠTÚDIA V ODBORE MUZEOLÓGIA (Department of ethnology and museology - evaluation of scientific, research and project activities of the museology section and study opportunities) Abstract: The article analyzes and evaluates scientific, research, and project activities and works published by Bratislava Museology Section in the last two years. It deals with the development of this field of study in the near future. It also provides a basic overview of the field of study, publishing possibilities and other specialized activities offered to the students by our department. Authors: Ulašinová Bystrianska Lenka Publication order reference: Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Museology, Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail: lenka.ulasinova@uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 163-171. Key words:  museology studies, museology and cultural heritage, scientific and publishing activities,  Comenius University in Bratislava Language: slovak online full-text PDF Title: VÝZNAMNÉ LESNÍCKE MIESTA – VKLAD LESNÍKOV DO KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA SPOLOČNOSTI (Special forestry sites – the contribution of foresters to the cultural heritage of the community) Abstract: A project focused on building a net of special forestry sites is one of the important and long-continuing activities of the LESY Slovenskej republiky, state enterprise. Inspired by UNESCO and its Lists of World Heritage Sites, the state enterprise started to declare and mark localities of the great forestry value that are connected with the history of forest, the history of the forest management, or with the work of foresters as special forestry sites. This project, under the guarantee and methodics of the Museum of Forestry and Wood Technology in Zvolen, draws attention to the positive contribution of foresters,  responsible forest management, nature protection and to the development of culture in Slovakia. The range, quality and diversity of the project´s presentation activities have an important impact on the public and the emphasis of forester´s contribution to the cultural heritage of the country. Authors: Miľanová Ľubica Publication order reference: LESY Slovenskej republiky, štátny podnik, Forest and Wood Museum, Nám. SNP č. 22/33, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovakia, e-mail: lubica.milanova@lesy.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.:6, number: 2,  pages: 173-177. Key words: special forestry site, forestry, foresters, forest management, cultural heritage, history Language: slovak online full-text PDF Books  received  and  reviews  Andrej Vrteľ: ČIŽMÁŘOVÁ, Jana. Keltská pohřebiště na Moravě. Okresy Hodonín, Kroměříž, Olomouc, Opava, Prostějov, Přerov, Uherské Hradiště a Zlín (p. 178)  online full-text PDF Lenka Ulašinová Bystrianska: Štefan Oriško – Peter Buday: Pramene k umelecko-historickému bádaniu a ochrane pamiatok na Slovensku (1846 – 1918)  (p. 180)  online full-text PDF News Lea Daňková: Trip to Slovenia (p. 182)  online full-text PDF
Articles (Abstracts)

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ISSN 1339-2204 eISSN 2453-9759 Vol. 6 (2018), No. Is. 2