© Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, o.z. 2025
MUZEOLÓGIA  MUSEOLOGY  a kultúrne dedičstvo  and Cultural Heritage
Contents 1/2013
Tišliar Pavol. Introducing the journal (p. 5)
Articles (Abstracts)
In Practice Číž Marian. Široká škála partnerov múzea na pomoc pri práci s verejnosťou (p. 109) Najbertová Alena. Dětské programy v Technickém muzeu v Brněna příkladu vybraných aktivit (p. 114)  
Remembering and Honoring Outstanding Contributions to Cultural Heritage Životné jubileum Štefana Mruškoviča (Ľ. Kačírek) (p. 120) Jubileum Anny Gregorovej (T. Díte) (p. 125)
Terminology Ochrana pamiatkovej starostlivosti (?) (J. Liptay) (p. 128)
Books received a reviews  DESVALLÉES, André – MAIRESSE, Francois (Ed.). Základní muzeologické pojmy (Ľ. Kačírek) (p. 130) MARÁKY, Peter. Múzeá s celoslovenskou pôsobnosťou. In: Kultúrne krásy Slovenska (P. Tišliar) (p. 131) Acta muselia. Muzea jihovýchodní Moravy ve Zlíně. Suplementa 2011/1 (Ľ. Kačírek) (p. 133) Museologica Brunensia - nový vedecký muzeologický časopis (D. Csütörtökyová) (p. 135) Výstava „Taká bola Petržalka“ (P. Tišliar) (p. 137) Medzinárodný výstavný projekt Europa Jagellonica 1386 – 1572. Umenie a kultúra v strednej Európe za vlády Jagelovcov  (P. Maráky) (p. 140)
News Medzinárodná študentská vedecká odborná činnosť študentov muzeológiena FiF UK v Bratislave (D. Csütörtökyová) (p. 143) Fotoreportáž z medzinárodnej prehliadky študentských prác z muzeológie a konferencie Fenomén kultúrneho dedičstva v spoločnosti (D. Lacová - D. Csütörtökyová)  (p. 144)


Journal Muzeológia a

kultúrne dedičstvo -

Museology and Cultural


SJR 2023: Q1

Museology SJR rank: 14/83 (Q1) Conservation SJR rank: 26/103 (Q1)

JIF WoS 2023: 0,6

JCI WoS 2023: 1,28, Q1 ESCI: 49/411 (Q1)

New issue

Muzeológia a kultúrne

dedičstvo 1/2025

online New volume Studia Museologica Slovaca, vol. 8 (2024) online New volume Populačné štúdie Slovenska 17 (2024) online

New book

P. Tišliar (ed.). Osobnosti uměleckoprůmyslového muzejnictví (2025). online
Title: ZBERATEĽSKÉ AKTIVITY V KREMNICI PRED OFICIÁLNYM ZALOŽENÍM MÚZEA V ROKU 1890  (Collecting in Kremnica before the Founding of the Town Museum in 1890) Abstract: This paper offers a historical study of collecting in Kremnica before the foundation of the Town Museum. Private collecting activities, which go back as far as the 16th century, served both to promote the collector and to preserve personal or family memorabilia. This was also true of first public collections created by the municipal government, schools and various associations and churches. These private and public initiatives combined with the efforts of local scholars result in the founding of the first professionally-run museum in 1890. Author: Kianička Daniel Publication order reference: NBS – Múzeum mincí a medailí Kremnica, Štefánikovo námestie 11/21, 967 01 Kremnica, Slovak Republic, email: daniel.kianicka@nbs.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 1,  pages: 7-20. Key words: COLLECTING, PRIVATE AND PUBLIC COLLECTIONS, MEMORY MEDIA, MUSEALITY Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: TEORETICKÁ VÝCHODISKA MÚZEJNÍ PREZENTACE (Theoretical Foundations of Museum Communication) Abstract: The paper is focused on the theoretical museology. It deals with the theory of communication, theory of presentation, description of different contexts of museum exhibits, the use of different exhibition languages and the use of modern technologies. The author attempts to define the basic principles of the museum exhibition formation. Author: Dolák Jan Publication order reference: Katedra etnológie a muzeológie, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, Gondová 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: dolak@phil.muni.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 1,  pages: 21-38 Key words: MUSEUM, MUSEOLOGY, COMMUNICATION, PRESENTATION, HERITAGE Language: CZECH online full-text PDF Title: DIGITALIZÁCIA KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA. PROJEKT: DIGITÁLNE MÚZEUM (Digitization of Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of the Digital Museum Project) Abstract: This papers analyzes the theoretical foundations of the process of digitization and their implementation in the ongoing digitization of Slovakia‘s cultural heritage within the scope of the OPIS Programme (Priority Axis 2)  Development of institutions dedicated to preserving memory and the restoration of their national infrastructure. The paper provides an overview of existing national-level projects currently implemented in the field of culture, examins specific aims of digitization and the advantages to providing wider access to digitized collections. One of the most demanding such projects, the Digital Museum run by the SNP Museum in Banská Bystrica, is described in greater detail. Author: Žabková Soňa Publication order reference: Múzeum SNP – Digitalizačné centrum, Kapitulská 23, 975 59 Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic, email: sona.zabkova@muzeumsnp.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 1,  pages: 39-48 Key words: DIGITIZING, MUSEUMS, DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY, DIGITAL MUSEUM, MUSEUM OF THE SLOVAK NATIONAL UPRISING IN BANSKÁ BYSTRICA Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: HMOTNÉ PRAMENY, HISTORICKÁ PAMĚŤ A VEŘEJNOST V MÚZEJNĚ PEDAGOGICKÉ PREZENTACI NOVODOBÝCH DĚJIN (Material Sources, Historical Memory and the Public in Pedagogical Museum Presentation of Modern History) Abstract: The paper deals with the documentation of modern history in museums. It features specific problems connected with the interpretation of the recent past. These difficulties are the reason of little interest of many traditional museums in dealing with history of the 20th century. Collecting activity focused on modern history has to reflect the plurality of past stories. It is thus necessary to look for corresponding collecting methods appropriate to this period. Growing interest of the public and activities of many not-for-profit organisations (civic societies) encourage museums to develop their educational potential in modern history issues. Author: Drobný Tomáš Publication order reference: Moravské zemské muzeum Brno, Zelný trh 6, 659 37 Brno, Czech Republic, email: tdrobny@mzm.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 1,  pages: 49-53 Key words: MODERN HISTORY, MATERIAL SOURCES, HISTORICAL MEMORY, COLLECTING INSTITUTIONS Language: CZECH online full-text PDF Title: KONTEXTY VZDELÁVANIA MÚZEA / GALÉRIE A ŠKOLY (Contexts of Education Museum/Gallery and School) Abstract: Museums and galleries need visitors. One of the objectives of the cultural institution is making available its collections and education. School groups, from pre- primary to high school are the largest percentage of visitors. There needs to be cooperation between the museum / gallery and the school offers programs. Musems and art galleries therefore need to be involved in the education of children from the earliest age to cultivate in them future visitors and thus art lovers and culturally educated individuals in general. Author: Pavlikánová Martina Publication order reference: Ústav umelecko-edukačných štúdií, Katedra výtvarnej výchovv, Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, Račianska 59, 813 34 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: pavlikanova@fedu.uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 1,  pages: 55-64 Key words: MUSEUM AND GALLERY EDUCATION, FINE ART EDUCATION, MEDITATION OF ART, INTERPRETATION Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: NÁVŠTEVA MÚZEA V DIDAKTIKE STREDNEJ ŠKOLY (POHĽAD STREDOŠKOLSKÉHO UČITEĽA) (Museum Visits in Secondary School Curriculum: A Teacher‘s View) Abstract: The author highlights the core competencies from secondary school curricula which can be developed further by the visit of  the museum. We are introduced to non-traditional methods and ways of education that visiting  museum can provide and distinguishes the difference between working at a school and a museum. It focuses on the close cooperation between the museum and the school teacher and the need to develop methodology and worksheets for activities at the  museum. Author: Mezeiová Adelaida Publication order reference: Gymnázium Metodova, Metodova 493/2, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovbak Republic, email: mezeiova@gmet.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 1,  pages: 65-74 Key words: CORE COMPETENCIES, TEACHING METHODS, GUIDANCE SHEET, WORKSHEET Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: „KULTURRAUB“ ALEBO ZÁCHRANA KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA? EVAKUÁCIA ARCHÍVOV A KULTÚRNYCH PAMIATOK NEMECKÝMI ORGÁNMIZO SLOVENSKA KONCOM 2. SVETOVEJ VOJNY  („Kulturraub“ or Rescue? The Evacuation of Archives and other Cultural Heritage by Third Reich Authorities from Slovakia at the end of World War II) Abstract: This paper discusses the attempted theft of cultural heritage from the territory of Slovakia by German authorities at the end of the World War II. The Nazis were interested primarily in those treasures and archive collections which they considered to be “German”. With the help of Karmasin’s Deutsche Partei and with disregard for the Slovak authorities they were able to export materials of unimaginable value. However, after the war the vast part of the transported cultural heritage was returned to Slovakia. Author: Schvarc Michal Publication order reference: Historický ústav SAV, Klemensova 19, 813 64 Bratislava, Slovak Republik, email: histmsch@savba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 1,  pages: 75-82. Key words: CULTURAL HERITAGE, ARCHIVES, EVACUATION, NATIONAL SOCIALISM, WORLD WAR II Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: KULTÚRNY A SOCIÁLNY KAPITÁL LOKALITY AKO PROSTRIEDOK MIESTNEHO ROZVOJA (Cultural and Social Capital as Means for Local Development) Abstract: This paper deals with the importance of social relations (social capital) and  cultural values (cultural capital) in local development. It defines and describes the major assumptions and sources of improvement of life in our towns and villages in theory. It also presents applied approaches for the use of social and cultural capital in local development – community development and heritage interpretation. Author: Janto Juraj Publication order reference: Katedra etnológie a muzeológie, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, Gondová 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: janto@fphil.uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 1,  pages: 83-99. Key words: LOCAL DEVELOPMENT, CULTURAL CAPITAL, SOCIAL CAPITAL, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, HERITAGE INTERPRETATION Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: POZNANIE, OCHRANA, PREZENTÁCIA NEHNUTEĽNÉHO KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA NA PRÍKLADE PAMIATOK BRATISLAVY (Knowledge, Protection and Presentation of Intangible Cultural Heritage as Exemplified by Landmark-status Protected Structures in Bratislava) Abstract: The knowledge of the history of a community and the structures it consists of is one of the prerequisites for an adequate protection of buildings as landmarks. This paper analyses several recent cases from Bratislava, where specific buildings have been proposed to be given the status of landmarks based on extensive archival and historical research. The paper also examines other cases mostly involving important industrial structures which, even despite their well-known and publicized cultural value, general potential for repurposing and a great number of similar scenarios in other countries, were not raised to the status of a landmark. Author: Obuchová Viera Publication order reference: Mestský ústav ochrany pamiatok v Bratislave, Uršulínska 9, 811 01 Bratislava, Slovak Republik, email: obuchova@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 1,  pages: 101-108. Key words: KNOWLEDGE, PROTECTION, PRESENTATION, INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE, PROTECTED STRUCTURES IN BRATISLAVA Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF
ISSN 1339-2204
Vol. 1 (2013), No. Is. 1