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Contents 3/2022
Title: The museum exhibition in the context of dispositive analysis Abstract: : The aim of this study is to propose and present a suitable methodological framework based on the principle of discourse analysis, which would be suitable for the implementation of research on the museum environment, in particular museum exhibitions and their narratives. The potential of the dispositive analysis of the museum phenomenon is enormous, but the elaboration of this methodology in the context of museum research in our environment is lacking. This study aims to add to this underdeveloped area and provide readers and researchers with key information concerning the possibilities and uses of this methodology. As a suitable methodological tool, the study chooses dispositive analysis, which has the advantage of allowing the analysis of materializations in addition to the discourse plane, which is an advantage for the analysis of exhibitions and the exhibits housed therein. Dispositive analysis, which in the study is primarily based on S. Jäger’s approach, enables the examination of materializations without overlooking the role of visitors and the broader context of the exhibition, which, by its very nature of membership of a cultural institution, is always discursively conditioned. The relationship between the museum and discursive reality is thus a thematic part of the study, as is the exploration of the topics of discourse (Foucault) and the dispositive. Author: Kolaříková Veronika Publication order reference: Masaryk University,  Faculty of Education, Department of Social Education, Czech Republic, e-mail:  kolarikova.veronika@mail.muni.cz, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7726-6913 Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2022, vol.: 10, number: 3,  pages: 5-31. Key words: Museum exhibition, narrative, discourse, dispositive, dispositive analysis, Foucault, Jäger Language: English online full-text PDF DOI: 10.46284/mkd.2022.10.3.1 Title: Establishment and development of the Zakarpattia Regional Art Museum during the Soviet and post-Soviet period Abstract: The article deals with the preconditions for the formation and stages of establishment of the Zakarpattia Regional Art Museum in Uzhhorod as one of the main cultural and historical centres in the region of scientific, educational and artistic direction. It traces the historical milestones of the cultural and national renaissance in Zakarpattia, which was annexed to the Czechoslovak Republic under the name of Carpathian Ruthenia in 1919 after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, as well as in the post- war period during the Soviet era. The preconditions for the opening of the museum in Uzhhorod and the ways in which the first museum collections were formed have been studied; the activity of persons who played key roles in the formation of the art museum is described. Author: Kuzma Viktoriia Publication order reference: Uzhhorod National Universit, Faculty of History and International Relations, 3, Narodna Squar, 88000 Uzhhorod , Ukraine, e-mail: viktoria.kuzma@uzhnu.edu.ua, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0291-643X Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2022, vol.: 10, number: 3,  pages: 33-42. Keywords: : Carpathian Ruthenia, union of artists, zemstvo art gallery, zemstvo museum, art museum Language: English online full-text PDF DOI: 10.46284/mkd.2022.10.3.2 Title: 3D Scanning of Porto Alegre Museum Artifacts: The Crockery of the Rocco Bakery Abstract: Antiques usually require careful handling, so these objects cannot be made available to the general public and are handled only by restoration specialists. This article focuses on the preservation of antiquities in terms of cultural heritage and the availability of these objects for access by visitors, it describes and evaluates the development of a method to support the digitisation of objects considered solids of revolution. The artifacts were provided by the Museu Joaquim José Felizardo in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, and were used to set the table in the former Confeitaria Rocco (bakery). The 3D process consisted of the following steps: laser scanning, data processing of the coordinates obtained from the surface of the object into point clouds, creation of the virtual model, creation of a physical model using additive manufacturing, and evaluation of the physical model in comparison with the original artifact. The obtained results show that highly accurate models can be created using the proposed method. Therefore, virtual data can be obtained for the conservation, restoration and creation of replicas for studies and accessibility. Author: Richetti Andresa, da Silva Fabio Pinto, Roldo Liane Publication order reference: Billy Blue College of Design, Torrens University, Level 1/46-52 Mountain St, Ultimo, Postcode 2007, Sydney, Australia, e-mail: andresarichetti@yahoo.com.br, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1664-3548; Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Praça Argentina, s/n - Prédio Château, Centro Histórico, CEP 90040020, Porto Alegre, Brazil, e-mail: fabio.silva@ufrgs.br, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9349-5601; Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Split, Rudera Boškovića 37, HR 21000, Split, Croatia, e-mail: lroldo@pfst.hr, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0301-8631 Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2022, vol.: 10, number: 3,  pages: 43-59. Keywords: 3D digitisation, cultural heritage, historical artifacts, solids of revolution Language: English online full-text PDF DOI: 10.46284/mkd.2022.10.3.3 Title: “Games” using old photographs in the time of the pandemic: Archival photographs in museum education Abstract: The purpose of the article is to show what knowledge on the ludic culture of Cieszyn Silesian residents at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries can be obtained through the resources of the Photography Section of the Museum of Cieszyn Silesia. The project required both preliminary research and an analysis of archival photographs. The research questions regarded the usefulness of old photographs depicting past games in the preparation of both online and offline museum classes on the local cultural heritage. In the article, the author discusses photographs documenting past toys and pastimes, divided into 10 thematic groups, and presents outlines of lesson scripts as well as other museum activities prepared on their basis. The research conducted during the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic required netnographic methods and the analysis of historical sources, while the application of methods of design thinking made it possible to prepare scripts of museum classes. Author: Szalbot Magdalena Publication order reference: The University of Silesia in Katowice, Institute of Culture Studie, ul. Bielska 62, 43-400 Cieszyn, Polska, e-mail: magdalena.szalbot@us.edu.pl, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3915-2541 Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2022, vol.: 10, number: 3,  pages: 61-79. Keywords: old photography, museum online, cultural heritage in lockdown, participatory museum, reconstruction of past games and toys Language: English online full-text PDF DOI: 10.46284/mkd.2021.10.4.4
Articles (Abstracts)

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  ISSN 1339-2204 eISSN 2453-9759 Vol. 10 (2022), No. Is. 3