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Contents 1/2018
Title: MUSEUMS IN THE NEW MODEL OF CULTURE: CONCERNING THE ISSUE OF TRAINING  PROFESSIONALS IN MUSEUM EDUCATION Abstract: Different aspects of museum education are in the focus of this paper. The first aspect is the museum’s place in the new educational paradigm. This is a common cultural context that determines the parameters of the museum institution. The second aspect is the basic definitions (museum education, museum pedagogy and museum communication) and their interaction and intersections. The appeal to these concepts is connected with the need for the development of international scientific discourse. The third aspect is the professional training programs for museum staff for educational departments. There are such programs in the world, there was a positive experience in Russia. The fourth aspect is the problem of career development for specialists in the field of museum education. The totality of these aspects is the theoretical and methodological basis for the museum’s implementation of the educational mission. Author: Sapanzha Olga Publication   order   reference:   Herzen   State   Pedagogical   University   of   Russia,   Faculty   of   Fine Arts,   Department   of Art   Education   and Decorative   Arts,   Moika   Embankment,   48,   bld.6,   191186   St.   Petersburg,   Russian   Federation,   e-mail:   sapanzha@mail.ru Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number: 1,  pages: 7-20. Key words: museum, museology, museum study, museum education, museum pedagogy, museum communication Language:   english online full-text PDF Title: SEMIOTIC MODELS IN MUSEUM COMMUNICATION Abstract: This article proposes a way of formalizing the description of various types of relations between the elements of museum communication based on the semiotic approach and the concepts introduced by F. de Saussure, C.S. Pierce and C.W. Morris. Semiotic models can be used to explain the specifics of museum communication for museum studies and as a methodological basis for developing various versions of databases or other software for museum affairs.  Authors: Plokhotnyuk Vladimir,  Mitrofanenko Ludmila Publication order reference: North Caucasus Federal University, Institute of Engi-neering, Department of Design, 1 Pushkin Street, 355009 Stavropol, Russian Fed-eration, e-mail: plvl@mail.ru, e-mail: ludmilamit@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number: 1,  pages: 21-31. Key words: semiotic model, exposition, museum collection, syntagma, paradigm, connotation, denotation Language: english online full-text PDF TITLE: FYODOR SHMIT’S “SOCIAL MUSEUM”: ON THE THEORIZATION OF THE FORM AND PURPOSES OF MUSEUMS IN EARLY SOVIET RUSSIA Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the project known as «the Social museum» developed by the prominent Russian academician F. I. Shmit. Through examination of an unpublished manuscript of this project from the archive fund of  F. I. Shmit we can give a specific example of new ideas regarding the forms and purposes of museums. These ideas developed in a new culture, and connected the museum to other institutions of memory such as archives and libraries. Author: Ananiev Vitaly Publication   order   reference:   Saint-Petersburg   State   University,   Department   of   Museum   work   and   preservation   of   monuments, Universitetskaja nab. 7-9, 199034 Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation, e-mail: v.ananev@spbu.ru Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number: 1,  pages: 33-41. Key words: museum, museology, museum studies, soviet history, fyodor shmit, social museum Language: english online full-text PDF Title: EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC VALUE OF THE MUSEUM COLLECTION  FOR TEACHING OF ART HISTORY AT THE HISTORY AND PHILOLOGY FACULTY OF THE HIGHER WOMEN’S (BESTUZHEV) COURSES IN ST. PETERSBURG – PETROGRAD AT THE TURN OF THE XIX-XX CENTURIES Abstract: The article is devoted to the creation and functioning of the museum collection of the History and Philology Faculty of the Bestuzhev Courses, connected with the educational and scientific activities of the girl-students. The author analyzes archival and published sources on the history of the educational institution. The problem of staging seminars on the history of art is considered from the practical point of view, as they allowed scientists in pre-revolutionary Russia to acquire the necessary vocational training for the first graduated women. Author: Vakhromeeva Oksana Publication order reference: Saint-Petersburg State University, Department of the History of peoples of the countries of the CIS, Universitetskaja nab. 7-9, 199034 Sankt-Petersburg, Russian Federation, e-mail: o.vahromeeva@spbu.ru  Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number: 1,  pages: 43-53. Key words: Bestuzhev courses, museum of fine arts, students, N. V. Stasova, A. N. Shchukarev, B. V. Farmakovsky, A. A. Konstantinova, heptahor Language: english online full-text PDF Title: THE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF THE MONASTERIES OF ARKHANGAI AIMAG OF MONGOLIA Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems of preservation of the monasteries of Arkhangai Aimag (one of the Provinces of Central Mongolia), which was from 1600-1920 a Center of Buddhist Art. There are many objects of cultural heritage – the tangible and intangible. Monasteries were founded in the XVI-XVIII centuries at this region and played an important role in the economic and cultural development of Central Mongolia. Around monasteries formed a large settlement, city, trade, transport, craft and social infrastructure, developed education, medicine. A significant part of the residents of the Arkhangai Aimag devoted themselves to the service of the Monasteries. Monasteries were centers of culture and art. Silk road, crossing the Aimag, contributed to the integration, mutual influence of European and Asian cultures. From 1928 the Buddhist Religion was persecuted by the communist party. The Monasteries were collectivated. Already  the adoption of the law on the separation of Church and State, the mass repressions of the second half of the 1930-ies most of the monasteries were destroyed, some changed to the  use as utility rooms, ware-houses, institutions for culture. 1937 in relationship to Stalin’s Terror the Soviet Military was stationed in Mongolia and all of the Monasteries were closed or destroyed. Monks were taken from their positions in the Monasteries and secularized. Since 1990, Mongolia began the revival of religious associations, the return of former monasteries to liturgicactions. The surviving monastic building are the monuments of material culture. Many of them turned into ruins and relate to archaeological objects of cultural heritage. The article contains a general description of Buddhist Monasteries of Arkhangay Aimac, compiled in the course of the Russian-Mongolian expedition conducted in the summer of 2017 with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFFI) №17- 21-03551. The article includes conclusions and recommendations for further study and use. Authors: Truevtseva Olga Publication order reference: Head of Historical and Cultural Heritage and Tourism, of Altai State Pedagogical University, Vice - president of Committee for Museology of Asian and Pacific Countries, (ASPAC /ICOFOM/ /ICOM), E-mail: truevtseva@yandex.ru Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number: 1,  pages: 55-66. Key words: the cultural heritage of the monasteries, material culture, intangible cultural heritage, art, monuments, religious culture Language: english online full-text PDF Title: TURNING SITES OF MASSIVE REPRESSIONS INTO MEMORIALS Abstract: This paper is devoted to memorial complexes with museum exhibits of the victims of political repressions in Russia. They took place in the 1930th. Nowadays there are two great memorial complexes. One of them is Mednoe Memorial Complex not far from Tver sity. The second one is Katyn Memorial Komplex situated not fat from Smolensk. They are affiliated with the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia. There is one more memorial complex “Butovo Shooting Range” in Moscow region. A new museum exposition will be shown there. Its territory belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church, but at the same time, it was recognized as a historical place. Despite the form of ownership, those memorial complexes work with different categories of visitors and deal with historical memory. Being part of memorial a museum reveals its information significance.    Author: Cherkaeva Olga Publication order reference: Russian State University for the Humanities, Faculty of Art Hist, Department of Museology, Miusskaya sq. 6, GSP-3, 125993 Moscow, Russian Federation, e-mail: cherkaeva.o@rggu.ru Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number: 1,  pages: 67-76. Key words: the memorial complex, a museum, site of mass graves, victims of political repressions, historical memory, monument Language: english online full-text PDF Title: MUSEUM META-NARRATIVES AND MICRO-STORIES OF THE GREAT RUSSIAN REVOLUTION (TO THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE REVOLUTION) Abstract: The article is devoted to an overview and analysis of Museum projects dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Russian revolution. Preparing for the anniversary initiated a return to the difficult topic, the desire to relate modern historical knowledge of the Museum and of a concept of Russian history on the whole space of the country. The author selects two main groups of Museum projects with meta-and microhistory, which are disclosed through the regional aspects of the event, the individual aspects, the monologue of a single event or a single artifact, cultural theoretical reflection, personal understanding of our contemporaries. Authors: Chuvilova Irina Publication order reference: New Institute for Cultural Research, Research group “Russian Museum Encyclopedia”, Vasilievskaya str., 13-1, 123056 Moscow, Russian Federation, e-mail: ivl12@yandex.ru  Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number: 1,  pages: 77-81. Key words: museology, the anniversary museum projects, exhibitions, museum concepts, modern scientific research, historical narratives Language: english online full-text PDF Title: ANTICKÁ GENEZE DNEŠNÍCH SVÁTKŮ: IMAGINES MAIORUM A KULT PŘEDKŮ VE STAROVĚKÉM ŘÍMĚ (Ancient Genesis of Contemporary Holidays: Imagines maiorum and Cult of the Ancestors in Ancient Rome) Abstract: If the museums serve, among other things, to preserve the cultural heritage of mankind, we can then see the calendar as a museum of human feasts and festivals. At least since antiquity, they have revolved around two basic principles, life (birth, regeneration, harvest, fertility…) and death. And it is the cult of worship of deceased ancestors and the associated celebrations that stand at the beginning of many celebrated festivals and tradition even today. In antiquity, the remembrance of the dead greately varied in their forms. And one of the most visible forms were the postmortem masks and portraits. These are today the „showcase“ of a number of world museums, showing the complexity of the funerary practices of ancient civilizations. In Rome, this phenomenon is called imagines maiorum and is an essential element in the Roman cult of ancestors. Author: Bartůněk Jiří Publication order reference: Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Classical Studies, Arna Nováka 1, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic, email: bartunek.jiri@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number: 1,  pages: 83-94. Key words: ancient, Rome, mask, religion, feasts, imagines maiorum Language: czech online full-text PDF Title: ÚSPECHY VÝŠIVIEK Z PRODUKCIE SPOLKU IZABELLA NA MEDZINÁRODNOM TRHU (Accomplishments of embroidery produced by the Izabella Association on the international market) Abstract: This paper examines the extensive connections of the Izabella Association with customers from upper class and foreign countries. Besides our detailed approach to the clients of the I A, we are also focusing on the interesting marketing tools of the Association. These have helped the Association to develop their contacts, and subsequent orders. The amassed data presented comes from written historical resources, notably annual reports and periodicals. This research presents interesting results, especially the size of their business network in Europe, but also in America. Author: Szabóová Nela Publication order reference: Bratislava City Museum, Radničná ul. č. 1, 815 18 Bratislav, Slovakia, e-mail: nela.szaboova@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number: 1,  pages: 95-103. Key words: the Izabella association, embroidery, international market, Izabella Habsburg, Bratislava Language: slovak online full-text PDF Title: K UNIFORME BANÍKA V ZBIERKE SLOVENSKÉHO BANSKÉHO MÚZEA BANÍCKE SAKÁ PODĽA LEGISLATÍVNYCH ÚPRAV Z ROKOV 1919, 1953, 1983, 2004 A 2009 (Miners‘ uniforms in the collection of the Slovak Mining Museum (mining jackets according to legislative regulation of 1919, 1953, 1983, 2004, 2009)) Abstract: The contribution is a collection of mining uniforms in the collection of the Slovak Mining Museum in Banská Štiavnica with an emphasis on the visual specialities of the mining jackets in the context of the periodic regulations of 1919, 1953, 1983, 2004 and 2009. Analyzed are the jackets originating from various mining sites of Slovakia, as well as the contemporary producers which have been identified thanks to the preserved labels and signed buttons. Authors: Denková Zuzana Publication order reference: Slovak Mining Museum, Kammerhofská 2, 969 01 Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia, e-mail: etnolog@muzeumbs.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number: 1,  pages: 105-126. Key words: mining, mining uniforms Language: slovak online full-text PDF TITLE: LAND AND MORALITY IN A RURAL COMMUNITY: EMOTIVE LANGUAGE IN THE NARRATIVES OF THE PAST Abstract: The paper presents the analysis of ethnographic research in a village in eastern Slovakia. My aim is to consider the narratives of people from countryside who witnessed socialist period and to present their view of land which they cultivated. I explore two sources: people’s life stories; and a local chronicle which was written during the 1960s. I argue that (1) both kinds of narratives serve as cultural tools for members of a collective as they recount the past in certain context; (2) in this, expression of moral emotions indicates narrative conventions related to social norms. I demonstrate that the semi-official context of the local chronicle demands expression of moral emotions in evaluation of the big-scale political events, but the chroniclers are rather cautious in assessment of local people’s behaviour. On the other side, in informal settings people summarize life periods using moral terms and freely express positive as well as negative attitudes toward other people and social conditions, to make sense of the past events in relation to the present time. Thus, the language of emotions indicates the specific narrative context as well as social rules. At the same time, emotional expressions should be read considering a narrator’s personality and social background; in this, the local historical and cultural setting is essential. Author: Bužeková Tatiana Publication order reference: Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ethnology and Museology, Gondova 2, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail: tatiana.buzekova@uniba.sk   Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number: 1,  pages: 127-144. Key words: narratives, collective memory, socialist period, moral emotions, emotive language Language: english online full-text PDF In  Practice Title: MOŽNOSTI TRANSFERU HISTORICKÝCH POZNATKOV (MÚZEJNÝCH ZBIEROK) DO EDUKAČNÉHO PROCESU (Possibilities of the transfer of historical knowledge (museum’s collections) into education process) Abstract: The interconnection between school and museum, by means of educational interactive programs, is in the interests of both institutions. Meeting the challenge “School of history in museum“ brings into the history education the diverse aspects of learning of historical reality, operationalizes factual account and to a large extent it also entertains. The intention of this article is to point out the importance of “contact“ education  – the active contact with the historical fact and the historical source, and in this sense to present some possibilities for the actual interconnection of the two “channels“ of historical teaching: school and museum as well. Author: Bocková Anna, Gápa Maroš Publication order reference: Comenius university in Bratislava, Faculty of Education, Department of History, Račianska 59, 813 34 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail: anna.bockova@uniba.sk, marosgusa@gmail.com  Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number:1,  pages: 145-160. Key words: school, museum, history teaching, interaction, game principles Language: slovak online full-text PDF Title: POZÍCIA GEOGRAFA V SLOVENSKÝCH MÚZEÁCH (The role of a geographer in the Slovak museums) Abstract: The Slovak museology has been undergoing dynamic changes in the last decades of its existence, related not only to the material-spatial or technical relations, but also to the personal dimensions of the museum facilities. The paper seeks to outline the specific spheres of work and activities of Slovak museums that reflect the need of geography work-position in Slovak museums. Author: Lukáč Martin Publication order reference: Comenius university in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of regional geography, protection and planning of the landscape, Ilkovičova 6, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia, e-mail: mart.lukac@gmail.com   Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number: 1,  pages: 161-165. Key words: geography; scientific work; slovak museums; present and perspectives  Language: slovak online full-text PDF Title: SKLO ZO VZORKOVNE SKLÁRNE POLTÁR K ÚSPEŠNEJ AKVIZÍCII NOVOHRADSKÉHO MÚZEA A GALÉRIE V LUČENCI (Glass products from the Poltár glassworks: Notes on a successful acquisition by the Novohrad Museum and Gallery in Lučenec) Abstract: This paper describes a new and substantial acquisition of original glass products produced by major glassworks in the Novohrad region. The paper is divided into three parts based on their origin (Zlatno, Katarínska Huta and Poltár), where each part briefly describes the history of the glassworks as well as its typical production as represented in the acquired collection.  Author: Chrastina Štefan Publication order reference: Novohrad Museum and Gallery in Lučenec, Kubínyiho námestie č. 3, 984 01 Lučenec, Slovakia, e- mail: chrastina@nmg.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2018, vol.: 6, number: 1,  pages: 167-171. Key words: glass, crystal glass, glassworks, Zlatno, Katarínska huta, Poltár, glass cutting Language: slovak online full-text PDF Books  received  and  reviews  Ingrid Halászová: Skarby baroku między Bratysławą a Krakowem / Treasures of the baroque between Bratislava and Krakow (p. 172) online full-text PDF Katarína Kolbiarz Chmelinová: Oeser in Bratislava (Jana Luková: Adam Friedrich Oeser, Bratislava City Gallery 2017) (p. 175) online full-text PDF
Articles (Abstracts)

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ISSN 1339-2204 eISSN 2453-9759 Vol. 6 (2018), No. Is. 1