© Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, o.z. 2024
MUZEOLÓGIA  MUSEOLOGY  a kultúrne dedičstvo  and Cultural Heritage
Contents 2/2013
Introduction (p.5)
In Practice Fircáková Kamila. Knižnica SNM – Múzea židovskej kultúry ako špecifický artefakt kultúrneho dedičstva : budovanie a skladba jej fondu, problematika spracovania, ochrany a výskumu (p. 116) Hlinková Darina. Doprovodný edukační program Mendelova muzea v Brně pro žáky druhého stupně základních škol a studenty nižších ročníků víceletých gymnázií (p. 125) Křížová Alena. Problematika muzejní prezentace (uměleckého) řemesla (p.128) Tišliar Pavol. Bratislavská muzeológia – minulosť, súčasnosť  a perspektívy (p. 135) Denková Zuzana. Praktické skúsenosti kurátora s projektom Digitálne múzeum (p. 144) Csütörtökyová Dita. Národopisné múzeum Sebechleby – Stará Hora si pripomína desiate výročie vzniku (p. 147) Remembering and Honoring Outstanding Contributions to Cultural Heritage Sochár Fraňo Štefunko a jeho dielo v slovenskej kultúre (Z. Falathová) (p. 151) Terminology Ak zámok, tak kedy (?) (J. Liptay) (p. 154)
Books received a reviews Výstava „Čo ste hasiči, čo ste robili...“ (I. Fialová) (p. 155) Nové expozice na brněnském hradě  Špilberku (J. Dolák) (p. 157) Sen o múzeu – Imrich Henszlmann a jeho príbeh : Výstava k 200. výročiu narodenia (U. Ambrušová) (p. 161) Výstava Tajomstvo baníckeho kladivka a želiezka (T. Díte) (p. 165) KAČÍREK, Ľuboš - RAGAČ, Radoslav - TIŠLIAR, Pavol. Múzeum a historické vedy : vysokoškolská učebnica (D. Tvrdoňová)  (p. 167) MARÁKY, Peter. Regionálne múzeá. In: Kultúrne krásy Slovenska. (P. Tišliar) (p. 170) Monografie o dějinách pražského židovského muzea (J. Dolák) (p. 172) Monument Revue – nový časopis Pamiatkového úradu SR (D. Csütörtökyová) (p. 175) KALINAYOVÁ-BARTOVÁ, Jana. Úvod do hudobnej muzeológie.  (Ľ. Kačírek) (p. 176)
News Odborná exkurzia študentov muzeológie a etnológie do Budapešti (M. Horváthová) (p. 178)


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Muzeológia a kultúrne

dedičstvo 3/2024

online New volume Studia Museologica Slovaca, vol. 7 (2023) online Populačné štúdie Slovenska (journal) online

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L. Jagošová a P. Tišliar (eds.). Slované - život a smrt v raném středověku. Materiály a statě. online
Articles (Abstracts)
Title: ÚVAHY SLOVENSKÝCH NÁRODOVCOV O POTREBE INŠTITUCIONALIZOVAŤ ZBIERANIE PAMIATOK MINULOSTI (National revivalists on the need to create institutions dedicated to collecting of artifacts related to national memory) Abstract: In 1860s, the Slovak revivalists began to focus their collection activities on ethnographic material and material culture objects. They envisioned Matica Slovenská as the major institution dedicated to the safeguarding and preservation of these objects with volunteers as custodians. After the authorities dissolved Matica, the idea of a national museum was connected with the National House in Martin. This, however, proved to be impractical due to the design of the building. In the end, it was the concept of a universal museum supported by a country-wide benevolent society (The Slovak Museum Society) as advocated by Andrej Kmeť that prevailed. This project, ultimately implemented by the Society, became the first museum of modern type in Slovakia built and run by trained and professional custodians and serving the wider community of scholars. Author: Kodajová Daniela Publication order reference: Historický ústav SAV, Klemensova 19, 813 64  Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: histkoda@savba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 2,  pages: 7-17. Key words: NATION, INDENTITY, HISTORY, MEMORY, MUSEUM Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: LEGISLATÍVNA OCHRANA KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA V ČESKOSLOVENSKEJ REPUBLIKE V ROKOCH 1918-1939 (The legislative framework of the protection of cultural heritage in 1918-1939 Czechoslovakia) Abstract: This paper analyzes laws and regulations governing the protection of cultural heritage (whether original measures or measures inherited from the legal systems of Austria and Hungary) adopted by the Czechoslovak republic in the period between the two world wars. It focuses on laws and regulations in force in Slovakia, comparing them to corresponding measures in national or Czech legal frameworks and finding that the primary purpose of such legislation was to prevent the export of movable cultural artifacts and that the legal framework of protection of cultural heritage in Slovakia was equivalent to that adopted in the Czech lands. In practical terms, however, both frameworks were of ad hoc and provisional nature and remained so until the beginning of World War II with the lack of political as the main reason for the failure to implement a truly national and comprehensive legal framework of protection of cultural heritage. Author: Orosová Martina Publication order reference: Pamiatkový úrad Slovenskej republiky, Cesta na Červený most 6, 814 06  Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: martina.orosova@pamiatky.gov.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 2,  pages: 19-36. Key words: CZECHOSLOVAKIA, CULTURAL HERITAGE, LEGAL FRAMEWORK, LAWS AND REGULATIONS, PROTECTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE, MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES, ARCHEOLOGY, ARTIFACT EXPORT Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: AKTIVITY ŠTÁTNEHO INŠPEKTORÁTU ARCHÍVOV A KNIŽNÍC NA SLOVENSKU PRI BUDOVANÍ ARCHÍVNEJ ORGANIZÁCIE (1919 – 1951) (Activities of the Inspectorate-General of Archives and Libraries in Slovakia during the formation of the national network of archives (1919 – 1951)) Abstract: This paper examines the history, structure and the activities of the Inspectorate-General of Archives and Libraries in Slovakia between 1919 and 1951. Two renowned historians occupied the post of Inspector General: Václav Chaloupecký, a Czech by birth, and Branislav Varsik. In their role, both these scholars of historiography and history who pioneered these subjects at the Comenius University expended great amounts of time and effort to protect a number of important archives. They also laid the groundwork for the establishment of a truly unified and national network of archives whose mission would be to safeguard the nation‘s cultural heritage and make it available to the general public. Author: Tišliar Pavol Publication order reference: Katedra etnológie a muzeológie, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, Gondová 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: tisliar@fphil.uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 2,  pages: 37-56. Key words: PROTECTION AND SUPERVISION, ARCHIVES, INSPECTORATE-GENERAL OF ARCHIVES AND LIBRARIES, SLOVAKIA, 1919-1951 Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: SLOVENSKÝ NÁRODNÝ ARCHÍV – VÝVOJ PRÁVNEHO POSTAVENIA, FUNKCIA A POSLANIE V NAŠEJ SPOLOČNOSTI (The Slovak National Archive and the history of its legal status, function and mission in Slovak society) Abstract: This paper examines the mission and the day-to-day activities of the Slovak National Archive (SNA) in Bratislava from its inception in 1954, but especially in the last thirty years since its transfer to its current purpose-built headquarters. The paper consists of two parts, the first of which surveys the history of Slovak archival studies from its beginnings to 1950 as well the institutional history of SNA‘s predecessors. The second part then examines the mission, day-to-day activities and the internal structure of SNA as an archive and a scientific and cultural institution. Authors: Tvrdoňová Daniela, Fialová Ivana Publication order reference: MVSR - Slovenský národný archív, Drotárska cesta 42, 840 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: ivana.fialova@sna.vs.sk, daniela.tvrdonova@sna.vs.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 2,  pages: 57-75. Key words: SLOVAK NATIONAL ARCHIVE, ARCHIVES, ARCHIVAL STUDIES, ORGANIZATION Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: PRÍPRAVA PODKLADOV PRE KOMPLEXNÚ OBNOVU MESTSKÉHO OPEVNENIA V MODRE. PRÍKLAD SPOLUPRÁCE  MEDZI FA STU A FIF UK V BRATISLAVE (Preparation of documentation for the general reconstruction of city fortifications in Modra: A case study in cooperation between FA STU and FA CU) Abstract: Restoration and preservation of urban systems, such as town fortifications, is a complex issue which requires a systematic approach in order to achieve compatibility between the aims and goals of conservationists, design architects and municipal administration. This paper describes a methodology for the preparation of project documentation for the restoration of town fortifications in the city of Modra. With some modifications, it can be applied to similar situations in documenting the development of urban space in Slovakia or abroad. Authors: Gregorová Jana, Petrášová Silvia, Kačírek Ľuboš Publication order reference: Fakulta architektúry STU, Námestie slobody 19, 812 45 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Katedra etnológie a muzeológie, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, Gondová 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: gregorova@fa.stuba.sk, gnosiska@gmail.com, kacirek@fphil.uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 2,  pages: 75-87. Key words: INTERDISCIPLINARY COOPERATION, PRESENTING ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE, MODRA, CITY FORTIFICATION, METHODOLOGY, PROJECT PREPARATION Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: LIMITY DIGITALIZÁCIE V OCHRANE KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA SPRAVOVANÉHO MÚZEAMI  (Limits of digitization in the protection of cultural heritage administered by museums) Abstract: This paper examines the role of digitization in the protection of cultural heritage from the point of view of its two fundamental limitations. The first part analyzes the history and implementation of computer technology and software in the West Slovak museum in Trnava from its inception in the early 1980s to the present day when the central registry of museum catalogues is managed and administrated by the Slovak National Museum. The second part of the paper then shifts attention to the role of digitization in museums as regards the fundamental mission of museums in the protection of cultural heritage. Author: Díte Tibor Publication order reference: Katedra etnológie a muzeológie, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, Gondová 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: t.p.dite@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 2,  pages: 87-100 Key words: AIS, AMIS, CEMUZ, DIGITIZATION, ESEZ, MUSEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE SLOVAK NATIONAL MUSEUM, WEST SLOVAK MUSEUM IN TRNAVA Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: ÚŘEDNÍ SPISY JAKO PRAMEN K VÝZKUMU LIDOVÉHO ODĚVU NA ZÁPADNÍ MORAVĚ (Administrative records as sources of information on folk dress in Western Moravia) Abstract: The collections of the Brno field office of the Institute of Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic includes a number of items (reproductions) provided by one of the institutions former members Vlasta Svobodová which shed light on the history of folk dress in Western Moravia. This paper uses data from Ms. Svobodová‘s research on folk dress in the region around Náměšť nad Oslavou based on field research and analysis of documents from inheritance proceedings to provide a description of items of clothing worn by men and women in the region in question and to draw attention to these hitherto untapped sources of information on material culture of Western Moravia. Author: Zobačová Andrea Publication order reference: Etnologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. pracoviště Brno, Veveří 97, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic, email: andrea.zobacova@iach.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2013, vol.: 1, number: 2,  pages: 101-115. Key words: INSTITUTE OF ETHNOLOGY, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC (BRNO FIELD OFFICE), VLASTA SVOBODOVÁ, RESOURCES FOR ETHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH, FOLK DRESS, WESTERN MORAVIA, NÁMĚŠŤ NAD OSLAVOU Language: CZECH online full-text PDF
ISSN 1339-2204
Vol. 1 (2013), No. Is. 2