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MUZEOLÓGIA  MUSEOLOGY  a kultúrne dedičstvo  and Cultural Heritage


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Museology and Cultural


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Muzeológia a kultúrne

dedičstvo 1/2025

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Contents 1/2016
Introduction (p.7)
Title: APLIKOVÁNÍ ETNOKARTOGRAFICKÉ METODY V KONTEXTU ČESKÉ ETNOLOGIE  (Applying ethnocartographic methods in the context of Czech ethnology) Abstract: Ethnocartography is an umbrella term for a number of methods applied in ethnolo-gy for the spatial representation of a selected folk culture phenomenon. Historically, the ap-plication of ethnocartographic methods can be divided into three stages: pre- ethnocartography (1700s to early 1800s), early ethnocartography (early 1800s to 1930s) and scientific cartog-raphy. One of the fundamental issues in ethnocartography shared across all these periods is the nature of the data historical data which are overwhelmingly unbalanced in favor of some phenomena to the point of ignoring other, as well as the intrinsic inseparability of data on folk culture from their geographical, historical, chronological and socio-economic context. While this continues to be a major challenge, we believe these limitations can be overcome using the latest in digital technology, especially the geographic information systems (GIS), and this papers discusses the application of such technologies in the context of Czech ethnology. Authors: Drápala Daniel, Malach Roman  Publication order reference: Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav evropské etnologie, A. Nováka 1, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic, email: drapala@phil.muni.cz; malach-roman@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2016, vol.: 4, number: 1,  pages: 9-30. Key words: CZECH LANDS, ETHNOCARTOGRAPHY, NATIONAL ETHNOGRAPHIC ATLAS, METHODOLOGY, GIS Language: CZECH online full-text PDF Title: HISTÓRIA A SÚČASNOSŤ PAMIATKOVÝCH OBNOV HRADOV NA ÚZEMÍ SLOVENSKA (Castle restoration in Slovakia past and present) Abstract: There are approximately 300 castles in Slovakia, 109 of which have the status of nationally cultural monument (NKP) and as of today, 55 of these have been restored or are currently undergoing restoration. In this paper, we highlight the differences in past approach to castle restoration and the methods currently applied as well as the changing role of the ar-chitect in the entire process. Using several examples of recently restored castles, we outline the major changes to the way restoration of castles and their environs is conceived and im-plemented highlighting the tension between the holistic approach and the partial methods of restoration. Authors: Ondrejková Zuzana Publication order reference: Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, Fakulta architektúry STU, Vzdelávacie a vedecko- výskumné centrum Banská Štiavnica, Radničné nám. 2, 969 01 Banská Štiavnica, Slovak Republic, email: ondrejkova.zuz@gmail Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2016, vol.: 4, number: 1,  pages: 31-40. Key words: CASTLES, CASTLE RESTORATION, RESTORATION METHODOLOGIES, FRAME RESTORATION METODOLOGIES, ARCHITECT Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: SBÍRKY RELIKVIÍ NÁSTROJEM REPREZENTACE IDEJE STÁTNOSTI KARLA IV.  (Collections of relics and their role in the representation of Charles IV’s idea of statehood) Abstract: Charles IV accumulated collections of relics which symbolized his imperial ambi-tions: as the Holy Roman Emperor, he obtained the imperial crown jewels that he kept – along with a newly created collection of the reliquary  treasure of the Bohemian Kingdom – in the Karlštejn castle. This collection, together with the relic collection of the St. Vitus Cathedral, represented his political idea of the Lands of the Bohemian Crown. The relic collections were regularly shown to the large public at the Cattle Market (today’s Charles Square) and in the cathedral. The way these collections came about and the public’s interaction with them consti- tute a medieval form of the museum phenomenon and thus go beyond the contemporary pre-dominant ways of collecting objects of great value and significance as practiced by church treasuries and noble palace treasure chests.  Authors: Drobný Tomáš Publication order reference: Moravské zemské muzeum, Metodické centrum muzejní peda-gogiky, Zelný trh 6, 659 37 Brno, Czech Republic, email: tdrobny@mzm.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2016, vol.: 4, number: 1,  pages: 41-52. Key words: RELICS, RELIC COLLECTIONS, HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR CHARLES IV, VISUAL REPRESENTATION, MUSEALITY, MIDDLE AGES Language: CZECH online full-text PDF Title: ARCHÍVNE FONDY HOSPODÁRSKEHO CHARAKTERU V ODDELENÍ NOVÝCH FONDOV SLOVENSKÉHO NÁRODNÉHO ARCHÍVU – SÚČASNÝ STAV   (Archival funds of economic nature in the New Funds department of the Slovak National Archives) Abstract: This paper describes the currently available archival funds of economic nature in the Slovak National Archives in Bratislava which primarily focus on the economic history of Slovakia between 1900 and 1950. We provide a brief description of the materials, their condi-tion, contents and the avenues of research they provide, as well as planned work on extending their availability to researches while also highlighting issues with those archival funds that have already been made available. Authors: Tvrdoňová Daniela Publication order reference: Ministerstvo vnútra SR, Slovenský národný archív v Bratislave, Drotárska cesta 42, 840 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, e-mail: tvrdonova.daniala@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2016, vol.: 4, number: 1,  pages: 53-62. Key words: SLOVAK NATIONAL ARCHIVES, ECONOMIC HISTORY, ARCHIVAL DOCUMENTS, AVAILABILITY TO RESEARCHERS Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: UNESCO CHAIR OF MUSEOLOGY AND WORLD HERITAGE 1994 – 2002  (UNESCO Chair of Museology and World Heritage 1994 – 2002) Abstract: The UNESCO Chair on Museology and World Heritage was established at the Ma-saryk University in Brno in 1994. It commenced its activities in full in 1996 and Vinos Sofka (1928-2016), appointed in March 1995, became the first chairholder. The Chair was focused on the UNESCO transition project that dealt with the documentation of the totalitarian and postcolonial past of many countries in the former Soviet bloc, Latin America and other parts of the world. It was supported by the General conference of UNESCO resolution on Heritage, museum and museology for social, cultural and environmental transition (Transition project) in October 1995 and the Czech Ministry of Education. The institution obtained a good reputation abroad while it remained somewhat controversial at home and it was eventually joined with the UNESCO International Summer School of Museology. In 2002, Vinoš Sofka left Brno and Jan Dolák become the new chairholder. Authors: Dolák Jan Publication order reference: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Filozofická fakulta UK, Katedra etnológie a muzeológie, Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: jan.dolak@uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2016, vol.: 4, number: 1,  pages: 63-70. Key words: UNESCO CHAIR, MUSEOLOGY, HERITAGE, BRNO, VINOŠ SOFKA Language: CZECH online full-text PDF Title: VPLYV SINOMÁNIE NA BUDOVANIE ŠĽACHTICKÝCH ZBIEROK – ZBIERKA ČÍNSKEHO PORCELÁNU V SNM-MÚZEU ČERVENÝ KAMEŇ   (Aristocratic Sinomania: The SNM Museum Červený Kameň and its collection of Chinese porcelain) Abstract: This paper analyzes the influence of Chinese culture on the lifestyle of European aristocrats which ranged from adoption of certain elements from the Chinese culture to an outright Sinomania which led to such fads as designing homes in the chinoiserie style or col-lecting Chinese artifacts, especially porcelain. The latter not only showed that the owner fol-lowed the latest fashions, but it also displayed their wealth and high social status. In this pa-per, we analyzed one such collection currently house in the SNM Musem Červený Kameň providing a detailed description of selected items. Authors: Malináková Nikola Publication order reference: Slovenská akadémia vied, Encyklopedický ústav SAV, Bradá-čova 7, 851 02 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, e-mail: jacunska3@centrum.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2016, vol.: 4, number: 1,  pages: 71-96. Key words: CHINESE PORCELAIN, CHINOSERIE, SINOMANIA, SINOPHILIA, THE PÁLFFY FAMILY Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: ING. IVAN HOUDEK A LIPTOVSKÉ MÚZEUM  (Ing. Ivan Houdek and the Liptov Museum in Ružomberok) Abstract: In this paper, we shed light on the many contributions of Ivan Houdek to the Liptov Museum in Ružomberok on the occasion of this multiple jubilee year: the museum’s 100th anniversary, the 25th anniversary of its most prominent collection, the Museum of the Liptov village in Pribylina, as well as the 130th anniversary of Houdek’s birth and the 30th anniversary of his death. We take this opportunity to highlight Houdek’s involvement in shaping the museum into the high-caliber research institution it is now and his extensive list of publications, focusing on those with direct connection to Liptov. Authors: Kunová Viera Publication order reference: Liptovské múzeum v Ružomberku, Námestie Š. N. Hýroša 10, 034 50 Ružomberok, Slovak Republic, email: viera.kunova@liptovskemuzeum.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2016, vol.: 4, number: 1,  pages: 97-107. Key words: HISTORY OF LIPTOV, DEVELOPMENT OF ARCHITECTURE IN LIPTOV, ECONOMIC HISTORY OF LIPTOV, EXPLORATION OF THE TATRAS Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: DETSKÉ MÚZEUM SNM V BRATISLAVE V ROKOCH 2010 – 2015 (SNM Children‘s Museum: The first five years (2010-2015) Abstract: The SNM Children‘s Museum opened in 2010 as the first of its kind in Slovakia. It is not a traditional museum with collections, but it specializes in interactive exhibitions prima-rily intended for visitors under the age of 15. So far, the museum has organized fifteen inter-active exhibitions, of which seven were the sole initiate of the museum. In addition to these exhibitions, the SNM Children’s Museum conducted several accompanying programs. During its existence, it has evolved into one of the important cultural and educational institutions as evidenced by, i. a., the growing number of visitors, many of them in organized school groups. Authors: Kucharík, Juraj Publication order reference: Detské múzeum Slovenského národného múzea, Vajanského nábrežie 2, 813 31 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: jurajkucharik@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2016, vol.: 4, number: 1,  pages: 109-116. Key words: CHILDREN’S MUSEUM, BRATISLAVA, INTERACTIVE EXHIBITIONS, MUSEUMS IN EDUCATION Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: HODNOTA A CENA V MÚZEJNEJ TEÓRII A PRAXI (Value and price in museum theory and practice) Abstract:This paper analyzes the development and the current state of axiology in Slovak museums in its historical and legislative context. Additionally, we attempt to define the values that are – or should be – applied to the valuation of objects in museum collections, as well as said valuation’s philosophical, economic and museological underpinnings. The final section of the paper then proposes a pricing tool specifically designed for the evaluation of pricing offers and purchase prices of museum objects during the creation of museum collections. Authors: Díte Tibor Publication order reference: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Filozofická fakulta UK, Katedra etnológie a muzeológie, Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: t.p.dite@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2016, vol.: 4, number: 1,  pages: 117-126. Key words: ACQUISITIONS, AXIOLOGY, PRICE, PRICING, VALUE, MUSEALITY, MUSEUM, VALUATION, OBJECTS OF CULTURAL VALUE Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: MUZEOLÓGIA NA SLOVENSKU   (Museology in Slovakia) Abstract: This paper examines the history of museology in Slovakia as a scientific discipline in general and a specialized university course of study in particular. We discuss the funda-mental characteristics of the discipline, including the development of the current conception of museology as a university course and describe the fundamentals of the course as currently implemented in various institutes of tertiary education in Slovakia. In conclusion, we briefly survey the current state of the field in Slovakia, its potential and its possible future develop-ment. Authors: Tišliar Pavol Publication order reference: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Filozofická fakulta UK, Katedra etnológie a muzeológie, Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: pa-vol.tisliar@uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2016, vol.: 4, number: 1,  pages: 127-135. Key words: MUSEOLOGY AS A SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE, MUSEOLOGY AS A UNIVERSITY COURSE OF STUDY, HISTORY OF MUSEOLOGY, MEMORY INSTITUTIONS, SLOVAKIA Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Remembering and Honoring Outstanding Contributions to Cultural Heritage Jan Dolák: ZBYNĚK ZBYSLAV STRÁNSKÝ (26. 10. 1926 – 21. 1.2016)  (s. 136) Books received a reviews Monika Mikulášková: As the night fell on them: Czech artists in France 1938 – 1945 (p. 139) Lenka Ulašinová-Bystrianska: Lehmbau – Tradition und Moderne  Clay buildings – tradition and present (p. 142) Lenka Vargová: MOM JO SKARB... Memory of things in the traditions of Lower Silesia (p. 143) News Peter Maráky: Bagpipes and bagpipe culture in Slovakia on the UNESCO list of world’s intangible cultural heritage (p. 144) Lucie Jagošová: Museum professions and the public. The contribution of musem professionals of the non-educational vocations to the museum’s engagement with the public (p. 146) Jan Dolák: Museological conferences in the Far East (p. 149) Peter Marky: “Museums at War”: A conference report – World War II and its impact on museums and their collections  (p. 151)
Articles (Abstracts)
ISSN 1339-2204
Vol. 4 (2016), No. Is. 1 Full-text version pdf