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MUZEOLÓGIA  MUSEOLOGY  a kultúrne dedičstvo  and Cultural Heritage


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Museology and Cultural


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Muzeológia a kultúrne

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L. Jagošová a P. Tišliar (eds.). Slované - život a smrt v raném středověku. Materiály a statě. online
Contents 1/2017
Introduction (p.7)
Title: TOPOGRAFIA SÚDNICTVA: LOKALITY, OBJEKTY, ARTEFAKTY A SYMBOLY MESTSKEJ SPRAVODLIVOSTI V RANONOVOVEKOM UHORSKU (Topography of the justice system: places, objects, artefacts and symbols of urban justice in the early modern-era Kingdom of Hungary) Abstract: This paper is an introduction to the research project on „Topography of the justice system“ which seeks to visualize the workings of the urban justice system in the early modern era in the Kingdom of Hungary. The authors examines places, objects, artefacts, symbols and rituals tied to the administration of justice in the cities, which include 1) city halls with their outer and inner decoration which represents the power and the autonomy of the city; 2) pillories, stocks and prangers; 3) prisons and torture chambers; and 4) executions sites. Judicial rituals, the omnipresent visual symbolism as the primary means of public communication and the selection of specific motifs to represent justice, all of this reflect the contemporary values and ideals as well as ideas on appropriate punishment. Author: Szeghyová Blanka Publication order reference: Slovenská akadémia vied, Historický ústav, Klemensova 19, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: blanka.szeghyova@savba Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2017, vol.: 5, number: 1,  pages: 9-27. Key words: JUSTICE SYSTEM, TOPOGRAPHY, TOWN HALL, PILLORY, EXECUTION SITE Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: „ZABUDNUTÉ HLASY“ PRVEJ SVETOVEJ VOJNY: FONOGRAFICKÉ NAHRÁVKY VOJNOVÝCH ZAJATCOV V RAKÚSKO-UHORSKU A NEMECKU (1915 – 1918) NA PRÍKLADE ZAJATÝCH UDMURTOV („Forgotten voices“ of the Great War: Phonographic records of Udmurt POWs in Austria-Hungary and Germany (1915 – 1918)) Abstract: This paper examines recordings of Russian WWI POWs of Finno-Ugric ethnicities (primarily Udmurts) captured by Austria-Hungary and Germany between 1915 and 1918. These recordings were made by Austrian, Hungarian and German Academies of Sciences in the POW camps using the technical know-how and state-of-the-art technical capabilities of the Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv and the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and were stored as phonographs and gramophone records. Top experts in the fields of anthropology, ethnography, musicology and linguistics participated in the project, the out-come of which is preserved to this day and allows us to study the Great War not only through written materials, but by hearing the voices of those who fought in it. Authors: Zagrebin Alexej J., Šmigeľ Michal, Žerebtsov, Igor L. Publication order reference: Udmurtský inštitút histórie, jazyka a literatúry, Uralské odde-lenie Ruskej akadémie vied, Lomonosova 4, 426004 Iževsk, Udmurt Republic – Russia, email: zagreb72@izh.com; Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra histórie, Tajovského 40, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic, email: mi-chal.smigel@umb.sk; Inštitút jazyka, literatúry a histórie Komi, Uralské oddelenie Ruskej akadémie vied, Kommunističeskaja 26, 167982 Syktyvkar, Komi Republic – Russia, emai: zherebtsov@mail.illhkomisc.ru Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2017, vol.: 5, number: 1,  pages: 29-42. Key words: WWI, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, GERMANY, RUSSIA, FINNO-UGRIC PEOPLE, UDMURT, POWS, PHONOGRAMM- ARCHIV, PHONOGRAPH RECORDINGS, GRAMOPHONE RECORDINGS, FOLKLORE, LINGUISTICS, FIELD RESEARCH, DOCUMENTATION Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: EDIČNÁ ČINNOSŤ MÚZEÍ V DRUHEJ POLOVICI 19. A PRVEJ POLOVICI 20. STOROČIA  (Editorial activities of museums in late 19th and early 20th century) Abstract: This paper examines the publication and editorial activities of museums in the terri-tory of present-day Slovakia, starting in 1868 when first museums were founded, up until 1945. We analyze the growth of museums and the widening scope of their mission which culminated in the late 1930s by using exhibition catalogues, scholarly publications and perio-dicals published by museums or the foundations that ran them. Authors: Kačírek Ľuboš Publication order reference: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Filozofická fakulta UK, Katedra etnológie a muzeológie, Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: lubos.kacirek@uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2017, vol.: 5, number: 1,  pages: 43-56. Key words: SLOVAKIA, MUSEUMS, PUBLICATIONS, RESEARCH, CATALOGUES Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: POZOSTALOSŤ MILANA RASTISLAVA ŠTEFÁNIKA V KONTEXTE INŠTITUCIONÁLNYCH A RODINNÝCH ZÁUJMOV V MEDZIVOJNOVOM A VOJNOVOM OBDOBÍ (The estate of Milan Rastislav Štefánik in the context of institutional and family interests in the interwar period and during World War II) Abstract: After the tragic death of Milan Rastislav Štefánik, one of the founders of Czechos-lovakia, the Czechoslovak government bought his estate and use it for museum exhibition purposes. The collection of Štefánik‘s effects and writing was much sought after by Slovak as well as Czech museums and memory institutions, but it finally found its home in the museum of Czechoslovak Legions in Prague established at the Ministry of Defense (Památník odboje). In 1939-1940, the collection was transferred to Slovakia to the Slovak National Museum in Martin. Today, many of these artefacts are now located in Štefánik‘s birth house in the village of Košariská which is a branch of the Slovak National Museum. This papers examines the tumultuous history of negotiations between the Czechoslovak government and the Štefánik family which resulted in the purchase of Štefánik‘s estate in 1923. Authors: Macho Peter Publication order reference: Slovenská akadémia vied, Historický ústav, Klemensova 19, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: peter.macho64@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2017, vol.: 5, number: 1,  pages: 57-68. Key words: CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MILAN RASTISLAV ŠTEFÁNIK, ESTATE, ALBERTÍNA ŠTEFÁNIKOVÁ, PAMÁTNÍK ODBOJE, SLOVAK NATIONAL MUSEUM Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: VZNIK A FORMOVANIE ŠTÁTNEHO KULTÚRNEHO MAJETKU V BETLIARI (The State Cultural Estate in Betliar: Creation and formation) Abstract: This paper examines the formation and the mission of the State Cultural Estate in Betliar (a complex of buildings of historical and cultural value formerly owned by the An-drássy family) as a predecessor of the modern-day Slovak National Museum in Betliar. We map the complex network of ownership of individual properties and its transfer to the gover-nment, the beginnings of the Estate as a memory institution and the problems associated with its transformation to one of the most attractive tourist destinations in Slovakia it is today. Authors: Takácsová Bányászová Katarína, Tišliar Pavol Publication order reference: SNM-Múzeum Betliar, Oddelenie výskumu a starostlivosti o zbierkový fond, Kaštieľna 6, 049 21 Betliar, Slovak Republic, email: katarina.takacsova@snm.sk, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Filozofická fakulta UK, Katedra etnológie a muzeológie, Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: pavol.tisliar@uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2017, vol.: 5, number: 1,  pages: 69-81. Key words: SLOVAKIA, ANDRÁSSY FAMILY PROPERTIES, BETLIAR MANOR, KRÁSNA HÔRKA CASTLE, KRÁSNOHORSKÉ PODHRADIE MAUSOLEUM, STATE CULTURAL ESTATE IN BETLIAR, BETLIAR MUSEUM Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: KULTURNÍ DĚDICTVÍ A PAMĚŤ INDUSTRIÁLNÍHO CENTRA (PŘÍPAD TEXTILNÍHO BRNA) (Textile industry in Brno: A case study of cultural heritage and the memory of an industrial center) Abstract: This paper discusses industrial heritage, i.e. the society‘s relationship with the rem-nants of defunct industrial infrastructure. We demonstrate the issues involved on the example of Brno, one of the key economic centers of the Czech lands. Brno owes this status to its early industrialization, especially the textile industry which dominated its economic landscape from the late 1700s. Early 1990s saw the total collapse of the industry which resulted, inter alia, in the city‘s landscape being dotted by abandoned, defunct and derelict industrial buildings and building complexes. Those are now viewed as impediments to city‘s development and the city is looking for new ways to utilize them. These effort have been somewhat successful, for example in revitalizing a number of brownfields, but a large-scale solutions is still a desidera-tum. As a result, a number of building with great historical and cultural value have been torn down, including the industrial site of Vlněna, one of the icons of the textile industry in Brno, which was demolished in 2016. A unique opportunity to preserve, transform and revitalize this unique complex of buildings with immense historical value was wasted and thus a significant part of the industrial identity of Brno was irrevocably lost. Authors: Vyskočil Aleš Publication order reference: Akademie věd České republiky, v.v.i., Historický ústav, Veveří 97, 602 00 Brno, Czech republic, email: vyskocil@brno.avcr.cz  Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2017, vol.: 5, number: 1,  pages: 83-98. Key words: BRNO, INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE, CITY IDENTITY, VLNĚNA, TEXTILE INDUSTRY, CONVERSION, BROWNFIELDS Language: CZECH online full-text PDF Title: PRŮMYSLOVÁ KRAJINA MĚSTA BRNA JAKO VÝZNAMNÉ DĚDICTVÍ A PLATFORMA PRO KULTURNÍ A MUZEJNÍ PROJEKTY. DRUHÁ EXISTENCE BRNĚNSKÝCH BROWNFIELDŮ A BÝVALÝCH SLAVNÝCH PRŮMYSLOVÝCH OBJEKTŮ SE ZAMĚŘENÍM NA TEXTILNÍ PRŮMYSL (The industrial landscape of Brno as heritage and a platform for cultural and museum projects: The second life of the Brno brow-nfields and former eminent industrial objects) Abstract: For much of its modern history, the city Brno has been a significant industrial cen-ter, yet it managed to hold on to its idiosyncratic cultural heritage, a combination rarely seen. In present day, this is evidenced by the reuse and repurposing of defunct industrial buildings and entire industrial sites with the cooperation of various local cultural institutions. The ques-tion is, what role do museums have to play in this revitalization of the city‘s heritage? In this paper, we discuss some of the projects that sparked the public‘s interest in the city‘s industrial history which, in turn, prompted city officials to take action to safeguard it. Terms like brow-nfields, textile plants, industrialists and others have now become staple in the scholarly and public debate surrounding the industrial sites in Brno and it our hope that the discussion will contribute to the preservation of Brno‘s glorious industrial past. Authors: Gilbertová Marie Publication order reference: Technické muzeum v Brně, Purkyňova 105, 612 00 Brno, Czech republic, email: gilbertova@tmbrno.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2017, vol.: 5, number: 1,  pages: 99-109. Key words: BRNO, INDUSTRIAL SITES, PRESERVATION, BROWNFIELDS, INDUSTRIAL PLANTS, INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPE, CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS Language: CZECH online full-text PDF Title: FUNKČNÁ KONVERZIA BANSKÉHO KULTÚRNEHO DEDIČSTVA S AKCENTOM NA NÁRODNÉ KULTÚRNE PAMIATKY  (Functional conversion of mining-related cultural heritage with a focus on national cultural heritage) Abstract: This paper examines the functional transformation of mining town to tourist desti-nations. We first discuss the theoretical fundamentals of functional conversion and some examples of its successful application to mines and mine-related sites, then we analyze the functional use of selected historical objects in the city of Banská Štiavnica and the village of Hodruša- Hámre and their potential in the tourism industry. Authors: Predanocyová Barbora; Žabenský Marián Publication order reference: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra manažmentu kultúry a turizmu, Štefánikova 67, 949 74 Nitra, Slovak Republic, email: barbora.predanocyova@ukf.sk; email: mzabensky@ukf.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2017, vol.: 5, number: 1,  pages: 111-121. Key words: NATIONAL CULTURAL HERITAGE, INDUSTRIAL CULTURAL HERITAGE, MINING, FUNCTIONAL TRANSFORMATION Language: SLOVAK online full-text PDF Title: FORMOVÁNÍ A VÝVOJ TECHNICKÉ MUZEOLOGIE V ČESKÝCH ZEMÍCH V LETECH 1948 – 1989. ČÁST I. – DOBOVÉ KONCEPCE, ANGAŽMÁ V OBLASTI HISTORICKÉ MUZEOLOGIE, VÝZKUMY PUBLIKA (The formation and development of technical museology in the Czech lands between 1948 and 1989. Part I: Period ideas, enga-gement with historical museology, audience research) Abstract: This paper discusses the phenomena, activities and events related to technical mu-seology in the Czech parts of the Communist Czechoslovakia between 1948 and 1989 which influenced the contemporary understanding of museums as a phenomenon or reflected the fundamental nature thereof. Using a focused sample approach, we analyze the period ideas on the nature and mission of technical museology, the participation of its representatives in the research on the history of collecting and museum studies and audience research. Authors: Kirsch Otakar Publication order reference: Masarykova univerzita Brno, Filozofická fakulta MU. Ústav archeologie a muzeologie, A. Nováka 1, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic, email: o.kirsch@seznam.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2017, vol.: 5, number: 1,  pages: 123-135. Key words: CZECHOSLOVAKIA, MUSEUM STUDIES, TECHNICAL MUSEOLOGY, NATIONAL TECHNICAL MUSEUM IN PRAGUE, TECHNICAL MUSEUM IN BRNO Language: CZECH online full-text PDF Title: OTEVÍRÁNÍ SE VEŘEJNOSTI NEBO „NOVÁ ORTODOXIE“?  (Opening to the public or new orthodoxy?) Abstract: This paper introduces the anthology „Museums for the People?“ which contains a provocative and controversial essay by Josie Appleton and replies by other scholars. Appleton argues that museums find themselves between the Scylla of right-wing economic principles and the Charybda of cultural leftism. The present author critically engages with Appleton‘s arguments, highlighting her positive contribution, but disagreeing with her conclusions. Final-ly, the museum landscape of Great Britain is compared to and contrasted with that of Central Europe. Authors: Dolák Jan Publication order reference: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Filozofická fakulta UK, Katedra etnológie a muzeológie, Gondova 2, 814 99 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, email: jan.dolak@uniba.sk Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2017, vol.: 5, number: 1,  pages: 137-145. Key words: MUSEUM, GREAT BRITAIN, CENTRAL EUROPE, MUSEOLOGY, PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT, MARKETING Language: CZECH online full-text PDF Title: INTERNETOVÁ DATABÁZE KRAMÁŘSKÝCH TISKŮ ETNOLOGICKÉHO ÚSTAVU AKADEMIE VĚD ČESKÉ REPUBLIKY, V. V. I. V PRAZE (An online database of chapbooks created and managed by the Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences) Abstract: Chapbooks as a very specific genre of printed materials are a unique type of a so-ciety‘s material memory, one that is currently under threat due both to its physical medium and its ephemeral nature and bibliographic uniqueness. The Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, as one of the bodies tasked with the preservation of the nation‘s cultural heritage in the area of popular culture, has undertaken to process and make publicly available its collection of chapbooks by first publishing them as books and then by digitizing them and cataloguing them in a publicly accessible online database using the MARC 21 for- mat. Authors: Holubová Markéta Publication order reference: Akademie věd České republiky, Etnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i., Na Florenci 3, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, email: holubova@eu.cas.cz Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2017, vol.: 5, number: 1,  pages: 147-158. Key words: POPULAR CULTURE, CZECHIA, CHAPBOOKS, BROADSIDES, ELECTRONIC DATABASES, MARC 21 Language: CZECH online full-text PDF Title: SYSTÉM ŘÍZENÍ FRANCOUZSKÝCH NÁRODNÍCH MUZEÍ (The administration system of French museums) Abstract: This paper analyzes the history and the current state of the French museum system. French state museums have always played an important role in French public life and the go-vernment has used museums as symbols of political power and promulgators of ideology. This was most evident during the French revolution when Louvre was first opened and many other state museums were founded. The French museum system has always been strongly centralized both in geographical terms and in terms of administration and funding. Recently, the French government has begun to move away from this model and allow for regional and municipal satellite museums to be built, while at the same time, Louvre and Centre Pompidou were allowed to license their names to branch museums built outside of France (Abu Dhabi and Shanghai). At the same time, there is a movement to decentralize museum administration and management and give them more autonomy. Authors: Prokůpek Marek Publication order reference: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Katedra Arts Managementu, nám. W. Churchilla 4, 130 67 Praha 3, Czech republic, email: prokupekmarek@gmail.com Source: Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, year: 2017, vol.: 5, number: 1,  pages: 159-168. Key words: FRANCE, MUSEUMS, STATE MUSEUMS, LOUVRE, MUSEUM FRANCHISING Language: CZECH online full-text PDF In  Practice Antonina A. Nikonova – Marina V. Biryukova: The Role of Digital Technologies in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (p. 169) online full-text PDF Peter Maráky: The 2016 exhibition season in Slovak museums: A retrospective (p. 174) online full-text PDF Viera Jurková – Miloslav Čaplovič: Digitization of collections in the Military historical museum in Piešťany (p. 182) online full-text PDF Ján Jurkovič: A few remarks on the „Digital Museum“ conference (p. 189) online full-text PDF Katarína Palgutová: The Hámor heritage trail: A Swiss Financial Mechanism project “Discover the history of mining and ironworking in the Vihorlat Mountains” and the newly opened museum with a heritage trail in Zemplínske Hámre (p. 195) online full-text PDF Reviews online full-text PDF Visiting the Visitors. An Enquiry Into the Visitor Business in Museums. Ann Davis, Kerstin Smeds (ed) (Jan Dolák) (p. 200) Kiliánová, Grabriela – Zajonc, Juraj. 70 rokov Ústavu etnológie Slovenskej akadémie vied : kontinuity a diskontinuity bádania a jednej inštitúcie. (Pavol Tišliar) (p. 202) Ľuboš Kačírek: Národný život Slovákov v Pešťbudíne v rokoch 1850 – 1875 (Peter Maráky) (p. 203) Pavol Komora: Hospodárske a všeobecné výstavy 1842 – 1940. Svetové výstavy. Výstavy v Uhorsku. Výstavy na Slovensku. (Peter Maráky) (p. 204) Jan Dolák : Muzeum a prezentace. (Tibor Díte) (p. 206) Ľuboš Kačírek: Kultúrne dedičstvo Slovenska (Pavol Tišliar) (p. 207)
Articles (Abstracts)

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ISSN 1339-2204 eISSN 2453-9759 Vol. 5 (2017), No. Is. 1