© Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, o.z. 2024
MUZEOLÓGIA  MUSEOLOGY  a kultúrne dedičstvo  and Cultural Heritage
Author instructions
The editorial board accepts articles (studies) in English language, papers from practice also in Slovak and Czech languages. After a successful peer review and approval of content in English language, the author is obliged to do a special English proofreading of the final adjusted text. This service is provided for our editorial board by Ebor Editing company  (https://eborediting.com/contact/)   at the author´s expense. Only after such a proofreading will the article be definitely put into the content of the issue of Studia Museologica Slovaca. Publishing in the yearbook Studia Museologica Slovaca is free of charge. Language proofreading is at the author´s own expense. English proofreading concerns also abstracts, key words, and titles of papers from practice. The paper will be put into the content of the issue only after a successful proofreading. Both the articles and papers from practice must include an abstract, key words, bibliography / references (source materials and literature), information about the author and a contact for the institution they represent, references to grants, research projects and foundations within which the article / paper from practice originated, and footnotes. An abstract in English language contains a brief determination of the subject (topic) of the article / paper from practice, outlines the methods, research questions, and the aim of the article / paper from practice, with the maximal length of 900 characters. Key words - 3 to 5 key words in English, indicating the most important topics of the article / paper from practice Information about the author: Name and surname, academic titles, affiliation - department(s) they represent, address of the department (correspondence address), state, email of the author. References to grant research and foundation projects: the number of the project, full title in the original and English languages Citation references: References in the text should come solely in the form of footnotes in accordance with the norm STN ISO 690. They refer to source materials (archival funds, museum collections, etc.) and literature the author used. References/Bibliography: An explicit list of only those sources and literature that were used in the article / paper from practice, put at its end. Apart from basic bibliographic data, it lists ISBN and ISSN. It is divided into archival (museum) sources / materials and literature. The list of literature is given in an alphabetical order according to an author´s surname in the following format: POLLAN, Michael (2006). The Omnivore’s Dilemma:  A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin. ISBN 9781594200823. In case of referencing literature that does not have bibliographic data in Latin alphabet (such as Russian or Chinese alphabet), it is necessary to provide a transcription into Latin alphabet and to put the English translation of the title in the parentheses, stating the original language of the publication. BRONEVSKII, Semyon M. (1823). Noveishie geograficheskie i istoricheskie izvestiy a o Kavkaze [The newest geographical and historical news of the Caucasus]. Moskva: S. Selivanovsky. [In Russian] All citation references must be given in footnotes in the following format: Book  POLLAN, Michael. The Omnivore’s Dilemma:  A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin, 2006, p. 99 - reference to a work already cited - short form (with shortening of the work´s title):   POLLAN, The Omnivore’s…, p. 90. Edited book















1988, pp. 101–106.


- reference to a work already cited  - short form  (with shortening of the work´s title):   MLYNKA, Výrobné a technické objekty…, p. 108. Journal article (for articles in proceedings with a named editor, give the editor's name after the name of the proceedings volume):  POLLAN, Michael. Seeing Red: Mao Fetishism, Pax Americana, and the Moral Economy of War. In: Anthropology and Global Counter insurgency. New York: University of Chicago Press, 2010, pp. 67–83. - reference to a work already cited - short form (with shortening of the work´s title):    POLLAN, Seeing Red…, p. 50 News and magazine,  period press Do konca roka má byť prvé sčítanie ľudu. In: Slovenská Pravda, October 5, 1940, p. 3. - reference to a work already cited – short form (with shortening of the work´s title) Do konca roka…, p. 3. Website content Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo: Basic information, accessed August 1st, 2019, http://www.muzeologia.sk/casopis_mkd_en.htm. - reference to a work already cited – short form (with shortening of the work´s title): Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo… Reference to a primary source (archival document or collections)   MVSR - Slovak National Archives in Bratislava (henceforth SNA), f. Minister Plenipotentiary for the Administration of Slovakia, 1918-1928 (henceforth f. MPAS), box (henceforth b.) no. 277, shelfmark no. 1234/1920 prez. Appendixes: Plates: Authors are asked to provide plates separately a sjpg, jpeg or bmp files with a resolution of no less than 300 DPI and clear names. A note in the text should indicate the placing of a plate. Tables and graphs: Tables and graphs should be submitted separately as worksheets (Excel or compatible format). Failure to comply with these criteria and/or the code of ethics will result in manuscript rejection.


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Muzeológia a kultúrne

dedičstvo 3/2024

online New volume Studia Museologica Slovaca, vol. 7 (2023) online Populačné štúdie Slovenska (journal) online

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L. Jagošová a P. Tišliar (eds.). Slované - život a smrt v raném středověku. Materiály a statě. online